Chapter Seventeen - Kiss? Yes

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Recap: Suddenly he was in front on me, hands on my waist, face to face. My breath hitched. Is this gonna happen? My first kiss? We both closed our eyes, leaning in until some cleared their throat, I jumped and so did Jaden but he didn't release his grip. In fact his grip tightened when he saw who it was.


Zoe's Pov

"I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?" Tray finally says bitterly.

"I-I, Uh, Um" Nice choice of words Zoe.

"Can we help you?" Jaden asks impatiently

"Can you get off my friend?" Tray snaps back sarcastically.

"Friend. F-R-I-E-N-D" Jaden stressed out. I gotta admit, it stung a little. "Meaning, she can do whatever, she wants, and you, have no claim on her" By now Tray was probably planning Jaden's death in his head. I thought they were clothes friends.

"Its okay guys, I'm just gonna go back to the living room" I say awkwardly. People in the kitchen were eyeing us suspiciously and others were poking their heads through the door curiously.


I should've just stayed home.

I look at Jaden patiently waiting for him to let me go and when he does I slip onto the dance floor.

Wheres Nova? I haven't seen her since the bathroom incident



Wow. I feel betrayed. My only two friends so far and they just drop me like a hot potato when we get here.

I groan but then one of my favorite song 'Light it up' comes on and I decided to get a little loose.

At first I'm swaying.

Side to side. Left to right.

Then next thing I know my hands are on my knees and I'm full out moving my posterior.

I was basically gyrating the air.

Lord. Lord. Lord. Everyone is watching me. I close my eyes and stand up slowly.

Guys give me lust-filled gazes and girls are well, envious. I make my way to the kitchen to find Chris and Nova having a blast, just laughing the night away.

"What is wrong with you two?!" I was seething. They left me alone. I barely knew anyone. And here they are, chatting it up.

"OH ZOE! We were looking fo-" Chris started to say he look awfully nervous and Nova just looked plain guilty.

"No you weren't." I say. "You guys are supposed to be my 'friends' stick together you know? But nahh why not just leave Zoe IN AN ENVIRONMENT SHE'S SO FREAKING UNFAMILIAR WITH!" I shout.

"Zoe. Chill. We're at a party and your causing a scene" Nova says with an eye roll. I could care less about anyone else right now, I'm addressing the two people who were supposed to be my 'Bestfriends'

"And you, just shut the hell up" I spat "Where were you when I was done dressing? Where were you when we arrived? Right. Nobody knows." And with that I walked out.

Call me over-dramatic but we were supposed to be friends.


And they knew I would feel uncomfortable.

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