Chapter Nineteen- Cloud Nin- Zero

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Zoe's POV

Sunday Morning.....

Knock, Knock Knock.

I pop open one eye when the door swings open revealing an angry looking Tray.

I swear the dude was always angry now-a-days. 

He had a loose v- neck plain white t-shirt and plaid P.J pants. Yum. 

Oh stop it.

"Yes?" I say sleepily.

"Why didn't you come to me for a ride?" He whisper-yelled. I looked over to my alarm clock. 7:45. I groan

"Why are you up so early?" I question while closing my eyes.

"Don't ignore my question"

"Okay fine." I reply finally reopening both eyes and sitting up. "Because somebody, snapped at me for no reason yesterday before the party, and I didn't want to bother that somebody while he was talking to his skanks. So Tray came up offered me a ride and we kis-" I shut up before I spilled but looking at Tray's face I already knew I had said too much. I groan, yet again, and throw myself back on the bed.

"You just go out kissing random dudes?" His voice is so loud that I jump. I thought we were whispering now he wants to yell?

"Lower your voice will you?" I say annoyed.

"No! Because I won't allow you to be some..some slut!


"Get out of my room" I seethed. He blanched after realizing what he said.

"Zoe, I-I"

"Just Get. the. hell. Out" I was screaming so I didn't bother using the curse word.  I didn't need dad hearing that. He flinched, nodded and walked out, slamming the door behind him. I felt the tears running down my cheek and I roughly wiped them away. 

No crying girl.

Not over some boy.

But he wasn't just some boy was he? His opinion on me really mattered. I sighed and get out of bed, knowing I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. I walked into the bathroom, took a shower and brushed my teeth. I pulled on a pair a plain white shorts and a black tank top.

If that's your chick then why she textin' me?

Why she keep calling my phone speaking sexually?

(My ringtone) I run to my phone and see 'Bae♥' flashing on the screen. I smile and answer quickly.

(*=Zoe, ^= Jaden)


^Hey baby^

He called me baby.

Oh my...


^You okay?^

*Yup perfect*

^You don't sound perfect.^  I can almost imagine him narrowing his eyes and I quietly giggle.

*Im good J, don't worry*

^Zoeee, Call me bae^

*Fine fine.*

^So I was calling to see if you wanted to go on a date tomorrow^

*Aww, I would love too, and here I thought you were the bad-boy of the school.* 

Its true. that's all I've been hearing. And also that he slept with like a dozen girls, but I'm willing to over look that with a kind heart and if it comes to it a H.I.V test. 





Did i really just think that?

^Hey hey hey. I'm still the bad boy^

*Aww well looks like we'll have to cancel our date. I don't do bad-boys*

He releases a dramatic gasp and I roll my eyes amusingly.

^You know I'm soft for you baby. And I can be your Good boy. Only for you^

My heart just melted.

*Wow* is all my pathetic brain can think of.

He chuckles ^Guess our date is back on^

*Definitely* I heard shouting in the background and he sighed.

^I've got to go baby, I'll call you later and we can discuss further^

*Is everything okay?* I've got to admit I was worried

^Oh yea! Everything's okay baby-girl^


I'm seriously just a puddle right now.

*Well okay babe, I'll talk to you later*

^Mm 'Babe' I like it^

*Oml just go away* I giggle

^You wound me. Bye baby^ and he hung up. My mood was uplifted and I felt like I was walking on clouds.

That was until I see Tray and Dad having an argument

I was hiding behind the wall so I didn't hear much. I only caught on to the last parts.

"It was only one boy" dad says

"It doesn't matter she doesn't even know him"

"I thought he was your best-friend "

And everything goes dead silent.

Oh boy. I just got here and I'm already causing issues. I sigh quietly and tiptoe back to my room. I sit on the bed and turn my wrist looking at the other tattoo I had.

'Never Forget You're Worthless'





I hope you guys liked this one. It wasnt that long but, I'm kinda studying lmao.

I promise you some better chapters.

Much love ☻♥

Dont forget my questionsss. Answer down loww.





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