Chapter 41- Boys

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Zoe's POV

My mouth goes dry as I see Tray wiggling the pregnancy test in his hands.

"Tray..I wasn't going to ruin your life to, you have to understand." I plead

"So what? You were just going to run? With our child?" He says raising an eyebrow.

"I..." But I have nothing to say. Because that's exactly what I was going to do.

"Right. After you said you'll never leave me. After you said you love me. We are in this together Zoe. Together. It takes two to make a baby, you didn't fertilize yourself. If you had to go down, you know I'd go right down with you."

"I know, but-"

"No buts. You're not leaving me. This baby is ours and we'll take care of it. Together." I sigh and he opens his arms. I walk to him and hug him. He hugs me back and says "our baby is gonna be so adorable"

"Really Tray?" I say laughing.

I didn't expect it to be this easy.

I really didn't.

"Yup. Now get dressed. We're going to the hospital. Check up time."

"Wait now?"

This boy works fast.

"Yes now. Let's go woman" he says smacking my butt.

Why is he taking this so well?

I'm freaking out here.

"Why are you taking this so well?" I ask putting my hands on my hips.

"Are you kidding, I'm scared out of my mind!" phew I thought it was only me "of the amount of sex I'll be missing out on" he winks

Of course.


"How many test have you took?" The doctor asks skeptically.

"One" I reply confused.

"Ah, that one was probably faulty. You're not pregnant. You really were cautious though. Condom, birth pills, you had a really low chance of getting pregnant" she laughs and I feel so relieved.

"Oh my gosh. Thank you so much" I say, but probably mostly to the great man up there.

"Yup. Did you eat last night?"


I was too busy, lurking, arguing, worrying and throwing up to eat. So in the morning I had like three large glasses of apple juice.


Wait apple juice!

"I drank apple juice this morning"

"Oh" she laughs "it is true that pouring apple juice on a pregnancy test will make it return positive but drinking apple juice and peeing on the stick. Won't."

"Oh okay" I reply laughing also "thanks doctor".

"No problem have a good day" she leaves and I turn to Tray who has been awfully quiet. His fave is neutral but his eyes held disappointment.

"Hey, you okay?"  I ask curiously

"Yea. why wouldn't I be?"

"Tray c'mon, what's wrong?" He sighs .

"I don't know, I guess I was just really looking forward to seeing you all knocked up by me."


"Babe, there's more time in the future"

"I know but-"

"No buts. Think of it this way. I'm not gonna turn into a whale, you have a lottt more time for you know"

His eyes lit up and I roll my eyes.





She es no pregonut

Ik ik its short I'm sorry

So I don't know if I'm doing a sequel 😐😐 idk guys, I'm thinking about it real hard tho.


Bye loviess.💞💞💞💞💞

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