Chapter 32- Run for the hills

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Zoe's POV

Just when I thought everything was back to normal.

"I-You- I"

"Actually we do mind. Excuse us." Tray says pushing me forward.

"Oh and Zoe, the adoption papers? Never happened. Yes I checked. And you better start packing. I'm coming for you real soon" and with that she walked out with a sad looking maiden with her.



No. No. No!

I place the piglet on the counter and mumble an excuse me. I quickly exit and ignore the calls and pleas from everyone. I just want to be alone.

I find the food court and hurry to an empty booth far far away from the entrance so that anybody passing will not see me. I hug my knees to my chest and place my chin on them. For the first time I'm not crying rather focusing on catching my breath, letting my thoughts take over.

"Rough day?"

I look up to see a cute boy around my age with a kind yet sympathetic smile.

"You have no idea" I say with a snort

"Wanna talk about it?"

"I rather not" I say honestly.

"Respected. Do you mind if I sit here?"

"Uh no, go ahead"

He sits and I take the time to watch his features. He had light blue eyes with blonde hair. He was wearing a black skinny knee cut ripped jeans and a flannel with an under shirt. He was quite muscular and tall as a tree. As if noticing my staring shoots me another smile. He's cute, but not as cure as Tray.

"I'm Tobias by the way"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Zoe"

"Its nice to meet you too, I'm actually hiding so..." I laugh at that.

"Hiding? From who?"

"My ex" he says with an exasperated sigh.


"I know but I gotta face the music sooner or later you know?" He says and I nod "we hide from these things..things that come back to haunt us...but it doesn't solve them. We can't show our weak side, rather fight back, stand your ground and remain strong"


He's so right.


"So why are you hiding then" I ask with raised eyebrow.

"Okay I confess, I'm not hiding. I saw the little scene at build a bear and followed you. Totally not creepy " I stared at him blinking then burst out laughing.

"Wow, I don't know if I should be thankful or if I should run for the hills" its his turn to laugh and I feel better. "Thanks though Tobias"

"Its nothing. I got to talk to a pretty lady" he says with a wink and I roll my eyes

"I should get back to my Friends."

"You should, but can I get your number first"

"I have a boyfriend"

"Never said you didn't" he says with a laugh.

O my gosh Zoe not everybody likes you.

Mental face palm.

"Right" I blush. "sorry"

"it's no problem Tomato"

"Tomato?" I ask with an amused smile while typing my number into his phone.

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