Chapter 5 - What? Falling For You?

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Tray's POV

What the f... just happened. Rejected and I didn't even ask. I look at Zoe's back as she moves on to the next class.

"Tray baby how are you?"


"I'm good, uh.."

"Bethany" she says batting her fake eyelashes and pushing up her boobs although her extremely low cut top left little to imagination.

"Right, Bethany. How are you" I ask only half interested, I just wanted to go to class, find Zoe and demand her to tell me what's wrong with her. She looked like she was about to cry.

Why did I care again?

"Still heart broken from this morning" she replied and I inwardly roll my eyes.

"Oh yea sorry about that. I'll see you later alright?" And I left. I heard her huff and say something about her not being my toy

Girl, I could care less.

I enter the class to see Zoe sitting in the last row. She had her head down with her headphones and she was doodling. Something I noticed she did a lot.

I sit next to her and stare at her intensely until she looked up looking startled, then it quickly turned into anger.

"What. Do. You. Want?" She asked through gritted teeth.

"Why did you say what you said to me? And why were you looking like you wanted to cry?" She removed her headphones and stared at me. Her cute brown eyes filling up with tears and my heart started hurting. I don't understand why I never cared for anyone else, I was a player and now all I wanted to do was hold this girl in my arms and tell her everything would be okay.

"I-I" She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. After what felt like years she said "I was bullied in my past high school after a relationship with a popular guy." she blushed and quickly added "N-not that m-me and you are going to d-date but just me being near you or you giving me your attention is causing me to get negative attention from others and that's what I want to avoid."

I stare at her for a few more seconds and wipe the tears from her eyes. At first she flinched and stiffened but eventually she relaxed to my touch. I smiled at her and said "No one, will be able to hurt you. Maybe with words but not physically at least not while I'm here, I may be popular but that's not going to stop me from ca- looking out for you" She looked at me, confused.

"But why? I mean we just met"

"I don't have an answer to your question but I just feel the need to protect you" I answer honestly. And she smiles. Holy sh^t. Its a full smile showing a space teeth and a set of pearly white ones too. Its so infectious that I had to smile back.

"Mr. Harvard and Ms. King is there anything you would like to share with the class? If not i would advise to keep. your. mouths. closed" she said with a stare so hard I was intimidated and it took a lot to get me intimidated.

"No Ms. Keen, please continue and forgive us for our little interruption" Zoe says to my surprise and I glance at her thankfully and in return I get a small smile before she returns to her doodling.

I was falling for this girl and I barely even know her.

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