Chapter 15 - Well Then

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Zoe's POV



I'm going to a party. Wow

I looked around my room at the amount of clothes scattered all over it. Its was 7:30 and Chris and Nova sat on my bed looking exhausted.

"Come you guys" I say enthusiastically.

"Zoe, we've been looking for 2 whole hours" Chris says exasperatedly "NOTHING PLEASES YOU!" and with that he threw his body back on the bed.

I chuckled and looked at Nova. She seemed a little distracted by her phone so I just left her to it. What ever she was doing.

"Okay I promise, the next outfit you choose I'll like." I say with a smile. He mumbled something inaudible and walked to my closet. He quickly ran through it for the millionth time and picked out a beautiful body con black two piece outfit. It was short with little bits of lace design. My tattoo wouldn't really be hidden but it's a party so.

(^ The dress not Zoe)

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(^ The dress not Zoe)

"Wow!" I exclaimed. I loved it. I didn't even know that was in my closet.

"Finally" He said. They were already dressed even though we still had an hour to go I thought shaking my head.

Chris had a light blue knee ripped jeans and a white T-shirt with a plaid...jacket? His hair was held back with a baseball hat which he wore backwards and Nova had a simple white T-shirt dress with black stripes and a jeans jacket around her waist which she paired with a white sneaker. Her hair was curled and bouncy. She looked simple yet beautiful.

 She looked simple yet beautiful

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(^ Nova and Chris

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(^ Nova and Chris. Chris's outfit not him. Nova's outfit not her)

"Go take a shower! We have to do your make up" Chris said and Nova, finally putting down her phone, squealed.

"Wait Wait Wait...Makeup? Um. No." I say walking towards the bathroom

"Wow, and I thought we were friends" Nova said pouting I grinned and said

"Sorry babe" I slipped into the bathroom and removed my Clothes. I sat in the tub and let the warm water consume me. It's almost as if I could fall asleep.....

1 Hour Later


I jumped up nearly flying out of the tub to see a worried looking Tray standing in front the door looking around frantically for something.

Well then.

"TRAY WHAT THE HELL!" I scream. He looks at me and relief washes all over his face.

"Zoe you've been in here for an hour and your friends have been banging on the door for so long and you weren't responding and I-I-"

"Tray, Tray, It's okay I'm fine I just fell asleep." I say and I heard a snort as Nova stood next to Tray with an amused look on her face.

"In water?" he asks looking confused.

"Yea" I answer sheepishly, suddenly realizing that i was basically naked in the tub, thank lord for soapy water.

"So we have like 30 more minutes before the party starts don't you think you should leave so she can get dressed?" A deep voice I recognize as Chris says. I seriously don't know why he's gay. Nobody else knows except for Nova and I and he'd like to keep it that way.

"Shouldn't you leave too?" Tray snapped.

"Woah Tray, chill. Chris can you bring in my towel and the clothes also" I say and Tray just stared at me...angrily? What did I do? Then he stormed off and slammed the door.

"I think someone's on their period" Nova says and we all burst out laughing.



Sorry this is so freaking late. Exams coming up and all that b.s ugh so your little writer here been studying smhh.

Anyway loviesss COMMENT! :p VOTE! :p

Much love babies :D


Any questions tho?

And I need some pictures for Zoe, Nova, and Chris.

Chris- Black hair, Blue eyes, Tall, doesn't look gay xD

Zoe- Mixed, belly tattoo (optional), long black hair, brown eyes

Nova- Red died hair, Green eyes, short brown hair

The rest is up to youuu help me you guys xD ♥

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