Chapter 33- I Can Do This

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Zoe's POV

I want to eat.



We've been walking around for more than an hour that's for sure, and I'm staving, tired and grumpy.

"This is so cute" Courtney gushes over a super short tight mini skirt.

"Can you please hurry the fuck up" I snap. Usually, I hide my curse words with an alternative, but not today. I miss my baby and all I want to do is stuff food down my throat.

"Damn okay." She says putting her hands up in a surrender motion and I'm shocked. I at least expected a little snarky reply but nope.

The others have already made their way to the food court meeting up with the boys since the plans have changed and they were hungry also.

She pays and leads the way while I follow grumpily. I spot the others already eating and Courtney rushes off to seat next to Tray. Stupid whore. My heart burns with jealousy and I roll my eyes plopping next to Grayson who gives me a knowing smile. I scowl at him and glare at the table.

"Zoe" Tray calls and I snap my head towards him.

"What?" I snap. He pats his lap and gives me a look not to object. I sigh and walk over to where he is. I sit on his lap and he pushes a plate towards me. Apple slices, a burger and a large coke. I squeal and turn slightly to hug his neck. He chuckles and I immediately feel better. I eat shamelessly, moaning and closing my eyes.

"You better stop before I take you right here" my eyes widen and I shiver as he whispers in my ear. I sheepishly slow down and look around the table to see if anyone heard. Luckily everyone was either laughing, eating or talking. Tray chuckles knowingly and I blush.

"Hey guys it's kinda getting late, how about we head home?"

I look at my phone and sure enough it was after six.

"We should head to the grocery store first." Natalia says and all I can think about is how we're doomed. Wanna know why?

"Here take your groceries. Don't come back! You're banned!" The store owner screamed and we all waddle out of the store.

That's why, but let me flash back.

1 hour ago

"This one!" Natalia yells.

"Okay okay" Chris yells back.

"Don't yell at me!" She screams. Tray is bending over laughing while I'm glaring at Natalia.

"Stop screaming at my best friend" I tell her.

"Why don't you shut up King?" Courtney snaps.

"Who the fudge do you think you are" I retort. She rolls her eyes.

"What a prude. Scared to say 'Fuck'. What is Tray doing with you anyway."

"Everything that he's not doing with you" I spat. And she lunges at me. She grabs my hair but I slam my elbow into her face. She groans and let's go while the guys try to hold me back. When she looks up. Her eyes are livid and her nose is bleeding. Oops. She dives for me again, breaking out of Jaden's hold. We both fall to the ground and the guys (Grayson and Tray) smash into the shelf throwing it down, but that doesn't stop Courtney.

She punches me square in the face and I kick her where it hurts and grab my nose. Oh hell nah. I jump on top of her, straddling and slap her while she screams and struggles. I turn my  hands into fists and continue slamming them into her face.

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