Chapter 22- Fine by me

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Tray's POV

I knew everything. The bet. The breakup. The kiss. But Zoe didn't listen to me so that's what she gets. She deserves it. At least that's what I'm trying to convince myself and I'm kinda happy they broke up though, I finally have my chance and when I get her there's no letting go.

I mean what's not to like? Her long black hair. Her piercings. Her smile. Her body and curves. Her history. She's just At first I denied my attraction but seeing her with Jaden just woke me up.


Zoe's POV

I woke up to a pounding headache and was about to go to school when I realized that it was......drum roll... Freaking Monday.

I hate Mondays. I mean who doesn't?

I roll out of bed and slowly lag into the bathroom. I look up to the mirror and my mouth falls open. My hair is literally everywhere. There's a bit of dried drool on the side of my lips also and my eyes are red and droopy. How nice.

I pull myself together and strip. I stepped in the shower and closed my eyes as the warm water poured down on me.

Minutes later I was dried, and dressed in some black skinny knee ripped jeans, with some black booties and a long sleeved black button down shirt. My closet is full of back. Just saying. I placed my hair in a neat bun and added some lip gloss. I slipped my phone into my pocket and pulled my bag of my shoulder. I decided to leave early so I could avoid Tray. The last thing I need was an 'I told you so'.

I walked into the kitchen and found him on the counter, staring at me intently shirtless. Sweet baby Je-

"I told you so" he says smirking and I glared and walked straight past him to the fridge. I picked an apple and washed it off. "Dad left some money for each of us if you need"

"Nah, you can have mine" I say biting into my apple

"What?" He stared at me like I had grown another head and I rolled my eyes.

"How many times do I have to say I'm not one of the booty calls that practically feed on your money. Capisce?" I snap making my way to the door but he grabs my arm.

"Hey, you never told me that? And besides I know you're not"

"Well" I say pulling my hand from his grasp and ignoring the tingles and butterflies "I told your imbecile friend that he didn't pass the message? How sad."

"What's gotten into you?" He snaps and I roll my eyes. I continued my way to my SUV and drove to school.

When I arrived Chris was waiting near my locker.

"Hey munchkin' I greet

"Zoe!" He says as he envelopes me in a tight hug.

"I missed you too" I say. After a few minutes..."Chris... Your choking me"

"Oh right.. Sorry" he smiles sheepishly and let's me go.

"How are you?"

"I'm good. How about you?"

"Eh, things could be better, but I'm alive right?"


We both checked our schedule and mostly of our classes are together, except calculus. Which is first. Ugh.

"I'll see you next period?" He says hopefully

"Of course. We'll even sit together"

"Good" he pecks my cheek and walks off.


Where's his gay persona?

The bell rings and I walk slowly to my class. While walking I saw Nova talking with some other girls. She turned towards me and glares and I glare right back. She seems surprised but covers up quickly. I continue walking and enter the class. I was late. And the only seat was next to a smiling Tray. Great.

I scowl at him then plop down in the seat and stare straight ahead.

"That scowl doesn't fit you" he whispers and a shiver runs through me.

"Get away from me" I say still looking ahead.

"Wow. Seriously. Who pissed in your cereal?"

"Tray. Can you please shut the (beep) up?" He looks surprised but it soon turns into anger. He turns in his seat and ignores me for the rest of the class.

Fine by me.

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