Chapter 49 In The Ring With Roman&Seth's Call

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   Turning I headed to the gorilla walking slow as I heard Phil's song. I stayed a ways away as I waited hearing AJ's. I needed to gorilla to myself as I bounced up and down, stretching out my arms. Just because I might not win didn't mean I was going to let AJ get the better of me. As I stood by the curtain I heard Shield start, knowing they must be walking down the stairs. It wouldn't be too much longer and I closed my eyes, un-hooking the belt from around my waist. My music hit and I walked out, holding the title up high. AJ glared at me and Roman and Phil were too busy giving each other death glares. I sashayed down the ramp, hitting hands before sliding into the ring. I handed the belt to a ref before turning to Roman. He tore his gaze away from Phil and locked onto me.

"What do you want to do here?" he asked, clenching his hands at his sides.

"You want to go first?" I offered, flexing my fingers.

"I think AJ has got Phil in a corner. It's up to you to start." He mumbled, glancing over my shoulder.

I turned and saw AJ bouncing in the corner, Phil looking sullen on the apron. I turned back to Roman and nodded, eyes narrowing. He held out his fists and without a second thought brought mine down on top of his. It was so natural and we both realized what we did, eyes meeting. The bell rang and he got out of the ring, Seth and Dean on the ground. I heard footsteps and threw myself down, AJ tripping over me and hitting our corner. Rolling away I grinned, feeling smug. She held her mouth as she turned. Running at her I brought a knee up, getting her in the already weakened jaw. If I could tire her out early she would get out of the ring, leaving everything up to Roman and Phil. Grabbing her by the back of the neck I dropped down, flipping her over, landing on her back. She let out a yelp and I almost jumped to pin her. Stopping myself I grabbed her, throwing her into the ropes, hitting her with a clothesline. I was filled with adrenaline and I whipped around, hair flying. Pushing it off my face I ran at the ropes, hitting the second one with my feet I launched into a lion sault, landing perfectly on her. The ref dropped to count but I leapt off, backing into my corner.

"What are you doing? Pin her." Roman asked, looking confused.

I shook my head, breathing deep, "I won't be the one to win this match. Everything tonight is designed to make me look like the bad guy. I'm not doing it. Whatever I do it looks like I'm making a choice between you and Punk."

"Aren't you?"

"No. I can't make that choice."

AJ was staggering to her feet and I ran at her grabbing her and hitting her with a neck breaker. She hit the mat and rolled, right in reach of Phil. I backed away, letting her tag in. Phil raced for me, grabbing me by the arm so I couldn't back away anymore

"What kind of game are you playing Lila? You could have pinned her at least twice." He questioned, eyes dark.

"I'm not choosing between you and Roman. You two can fight it out but leave me out of this. I'll fight against AJ but I won't pin her and have you think I would rather win than care about you." I shook my head, tugging from his grasp.

"I would never think that." He looked horrified.

"Wouldn't you?" I shrugged, turning and tagging Roman's hand.

I slipped out of the ring, sitting down on the apron. My feet were on the steps and I brushed my hair from my hands. I could hear them fighting from behind me but I didn't want to look. I didn't care at this point who won or lost. I just wanted to get back to my room. Seth's eyes kept darting to me, worry coloring them a dark brown. Dean was leaned against the barrier, acting like he didn't care but his eyes were focused on the match. Even though they weren't seeing eye to eye they still cared about each other. Suddenly the bell rang and I whipped around. AJ was on Roman hands around his neck. They had gotten disqualified since AJ pushed the ref to get at Roman. Feeling my temper rise at her hands around him I jumped into the ring. Grabbing her by the hair she loosened her grip and I yanked her off. Roman whipped around as I wrapped an arm around her neck, spinning her around and bouncing her off the floor. I would have went at her again but Roman grabbed me, hauling me against him. My breath was coming in pants and I pushed the hair from his face, checking his neck.

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