Chapter 64 Going For A Run

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I could still hear the TV on and I opened my eyes. Dean was lying half up, both legs on the couch, under the blanket. My pillow was gone and I saw it under his head, my head resting against his chest. We were both covered with the blanket and my one leg was thrown over his. We fit perfectly on the couch and I squinted in the light, finding the clock. It was 1 in the afternoon and I was still exhausted. I frowned, my one hand tucked underneath me and the other splayed against Dean's chest. He was still asleep and I closed my eyes, not wanting to get up. I heard a door open and heard someone come out. I just laid there, not moving.

"Dean?" Seth called gently, not wanting to wake me up.

"Mm." He answered, the vibration going through my hand.

"Is she ok?" he asked, and I could feel him leaning over me.

"Ya I just had some things to tell her and she didn't take it very well." He explained, his voice raspier than usual in the morning.

"What did you say to her?" Seth hissed, anger forming in his voice.

He shifted slightly and I burrowed my head against him, not wanting to get up yet. He stopped moving, relaxing. He started explaining everything from last night to Seth and it took everything in me not to flinch or explode. I heard Roman come out and he listened to everything Dean was saying, his voice rumbling in his chest.

"That fucking douchebag." Roman exclaimed and I sighed, my eyes opening.

Dean's eyes flew to mine as I looked up. My hand was almost numb and I stretched out, feeling my back stretch and pop.

"Sorry Lila. I didn't mean to wake you up." Roman apologized, coming to sit on the coffee table in front of me, "Dean told me everything."

"I know I was up for a bit." I acknowledged, sitting up on my knees, stretching my hands above my head.

"Are you ok?" Seth asked, jumping over, landing on Dean's chest and stomach.

"Oh God you're getting fat! Get off!" Dean explained hoarsely, pushing at Seth.

"I am not fat." Seth argued, patting his stomach and flexing.

"Damnit Seth get off me!" Dean ignored him, pushing him.

Seth shrugged and fell sideways, landing on me and pushing me back against the arm of the couch. I laughed as he stretched out, pushing his hands against my face jokingly.

"Seth damnit!" I exclaimed, his hand covering half my face.

"What? I'm just stretching. It's not my fault your face is in the way of my hands." He grinned, pushing away my hands which were trying to push his.

He was pressed against my chest, his head sitting on my shoulder, my knees on either side of him. Dean had gotten up and went to the bathroom and Roman was in the kitchen, starting some food. I locked my arms around his neck, holding him gently but firmly. His hands automatically moved to my forearms holding them away from his neck.

"Just give up." I laughed, cheek resting against his.

"Ok you win." He caved, taking his hands off my arms.

I let him go, my hands resting on his chest. This was different from the last time I was here. There was a more carefree feeling in the air and Roman was chuckling at us as he cooked. I was tapping out a beat on Seth's chest as Dean walked back in, a wife beater on and a backwards baseball cap.

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