Chapter 101 Running Into The Deadman

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   I managed to make it through my sentence before covering my face with my hand, choking on a sob. I heard him walk over quickly, wrapping his arms around me, pressing his hands against my back. I couldn't even hug him back, my one arm in a sling and the other against my face.

"You're the furthest thing from a bad person." He mumbled, chin on the top of my head.

"You didn't see his face Dean." I cried softly, face pressed against his chest, "She's not good for him and I could have stopped it but I'm too damn selfish."

"What do you mean?"

"If I would have stayed there, if I would have walked away from this I could have stopped him from making this mistake," I sniffled, calming down a bit, "But I can't. I don't want to lose you guys."

"That's not selfish, that's doing what is best for you, "he shook his head, pulling my hand away from my face, "Hey look at me. You made a choice because you know deep down that you wouldn't be happy without us, for some reason."

"I know but I didn't think it would hurt this much to hurt him." I wept, face crumpling all over again.

Bringing my arm up I pulled the sling over my head, sliding my arm out. I need to feel close to someone and I couldn't do it with the sling holding my arm captive. Throwing it on the table I leaned into Dean who willingly took me in his arms, letting me wrap my arms around his waist. I was finished crying but my breath was still shaky, feeling the hurt rising and falling in my chest. Calming down I slipped out of his arms, sitting down at the table, resting my arms on the tabletop. He followed, sitting across from me still looking worried and a tad frustrated.

"He's doing this to get to you Lila, you can't let him do this," he groaned, raking his fingers through his hair, making it curl more, "He's playing mind games, trust me on this, I know what that looks like."

"You didn't see his face," I shook my head, leaning my bad arm on the table, "You didn't see how he was looking at me Dean, it was like I was ripping his heart out with my bare hands."

"OK so I don't know but what I do know is that him and his little arm candy organized a group beat down with you as the guest of honour." He pointed out, tapping his hand on the tabletop, "Just saying that to me it doesn't seem like someone who is crying into his pillow for you every night."

I sighed deeply, knowing he was right but still not making me feel any better about what happened. Taking my sling off I stretched my arm out, feeling the muscles protest from not using them. I stretched them out as much as could without hurting myself and I flexed my hand.

"Fuck it. There's nothing I can do now since he's gonna tell her tonight. Right now I've got more important shit to worry about like Kane and the god damn Wyatt's." I decided before letting yawn rip through me, "I've got no time to think about him and his bull."

I got up and moved the table from the living room, ripping the cushions from the couch and arm chair. Throwing them on the floor I spread a blanket over top of them and went to grab my blanket and pillows from Roman's room. Nearly dragging them out I threw them on the mess on the floor, stripping out of my jacket and throwing myself down with a huff. Curling up I turned on the TV, wanting some noise in the nearly silent bus.

"What in the hell are you doing?" Dean asked, walking over and looking down at me with a bewildered expression.

"I'm tired and I just want to nap." I mumbled, face buried in the pillow with my eyes squeezed shut.

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