Chapter 58 Finding Out The Truth

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The next chapters a good one =)  not posting tonight or maybe i will. depends on what time i get back. going out with some friends. sorry for not posting all day. was kinda hectic but enjoy these ones for now till i get back loves. <3

    The first person I saw walking into the arena was the Bella twins flanked by Daniel and John. They made a beeline for me and I smiled, happy to be home at the WWE.

"Hey how was Jeff?" Nikki asked, hugging me.

"He's good. He was in Phoenix so that was nice. I'm medically cleared so I'm ready to go." I grinned, holding up my bag.

"Great cause you, me and Brie are going up against PCB." She stated, and I frowned.

"What the hell is a PCB?" I snorted, as we walked down the hall.

"PCB is Paige, Charlotte and Becky Lynch."

"Oh shit."

Paige had her buddies from NXT now and I was now officially the last single wrestler. Everyone else was in a team and I frowned. Shrugging it off I grinned. Charlotte was Ric Flair's daughter and Becky was an Irish wrestler. My back was good to go, only the lingering bruises left. I had a gorgeous blue corset looking top to wear till my bruises were gone and I was pumped.

"Are you sure you're ready?" John asked, glancing over at me worried.

"Of course. Everything's good. Just looks bad now that they're fading." I reassured him as I ducked into the locker room.

I had my mind set ready as I changed quickly, pulling on my black ripped pants, boots and the corset top. It showed the top of my back but my hair would hide most of the bruising there. I was going to look for Phil and let him know what I decided. Nikki came over as I folded my clothes into my bag.

"I take it you went to Jeff to help you make your choice am I right?" she asked, sitting next to my bag.

"Always the perceptive one." I nodded, confirming her guess.

"So what did you choose?" she asked, as I zipped my bag.

I let out a breath, pushing Shield to the back of my head when they threatened to resurface. "I need Phil in my life. I can't go back to Roman when he's with the Authority."

She took my hand and squeezed it, hearing the sadness in my voice. Giving her a smile I stuck my title on my waist, heading out the door. I walked down to his locker room, sticking my head inside. His bag was sitting there but he wasn't there. Frowning I walked down the halls, listening for him, wondering where he was. I heard him suddenly and grinned, speeding up. I froze before turning the corner as I heard AJ's voice as well.

"Have you heard from her?" she asked, disdain coloring her voice.

"No but I know she's back tonight. She was going to make her choice this week and I think she flew to Camden." He replied, and I smiled, hearing his voice was reassuring I made the right choice.

"Must be hard for her to choose." She commented.

"I guess. I miss her a lot but being with you has helped." He sighed, and my eyes widened slightly.

"Look I know this isn't what you wanted but it's the same for Lila Phil. She'll come to understand." AJ reassured, and I frowned, confused.

"I hope so, I love her but I still love you AJ." He murmured and my breath stopped.

"She's not heartless Phil. At least I hope she isn't." she said softly.

I risked a glance around the corner and my stomach dropped. Their eyes were closed, lips pressed together and I whirled away, staying quiet. MY breath was coming in short pants and I pulled my phone from my back pocket, pressing a number. It rang twice before someone picked up.

"I made the wrong choice." I blurted out, breath coming in gasps.

"Whoa calm down. What the hell is going on?" Jeff asked, instantly worried.

"Phil and AJ. They're together again. Fuck." I gasped, ducking behind a bin, sinking into a crouch.

"Lila breathe." Jeff coached, his voice sounding far away.

Suddenly there was a hand at the back of my neck and I dropped on my ass. The hand forced my head between my knees and the tension in my chest lessened, my phone dropping to the floor. I could hear Jeff shouting but I was too focused on my breathing. A hand grabbed it.

"Hello? Jeff? Yes she's ok. She was having a panic attack. Ya I'll get her to call you back." Dolph spoke, hand still on my neck.

I felt better after a moment and I pushed against his hand. He let go instantly, crouching in front of my, blue eyes dark with worry. He pulled me to my feet, brushing my hair from my face and I breathed deep, pushing out every breath.

"What happened?" he asked, glancing over me.

"Phil and AJ." Was all I said an instantly he knew what I was talking about.

"Damn. What an idiot." He shook his head, "Come on. Let's get out of here before they find us."

I nodded, not wanting to see Phil at all anymore. In a small part of my heart I felt relieved, thinking about Roman. I knew if I wanted that back I would have to work out some issues about them and the Authority. He walked me all the way to the Diva's locker room and I thanked him as best as I could before walking in, leaning against the door.

"Hey Phil was just here looking for..." Brie exclaimed, trailing off when she saw my stricken face, "Lila what is wrong?"

"Phil's with AJ. I fucked up and made the wrong choice. I can't do it." I shook my head, breathing through the panic running through me.

"That fucking asshole." Nikki exclaimed, her face outraged.

"I don't want to do this. I have to keep focused on the match otherwise I'm screwed. I just need to forget about them and focus on this shit." I waved it off, shaking my head.

"Ok well we're up next." Brie nodded, hands on her hip.

Instead of focusing on the betrayal I let the anger fill me and I ripped the door open, ready to tear into someone. My chest was heaving as Nikki and Brie caught up, not saying anything. I heard new music and I knew it must have been PCB. Just my luck Shield was walking down the hall, Dean bouncing on his feet, hand clenched. Seth saw me and instantly he was frowning. I barely even gave them a glance as I stalked towards the gorilla. Nikki and Brie were first and they walked out, their music playing. I heard footsteps beside me and I didn't even turn around.

"You look almost as crazy as I do." Dean commented, voice low.

"I'm not in the mood right now." I snapped, keeping my eyes on the curtain.

"Oh you rarely are but that never stops me." He shrugged, standing in front of me, my eyes chest level, "What, or who, pissed you off?"

"I chose Phil." I told him, watching his face fall and then quickly return to his usual mask.

"Ah. Kind of figured you would." He nodded, eyes hard.

"Ya well it was the wrong choice. I caught him sucking face with AJ so instead I'm not choosing anyone. I chose me. I choose to not be sucked in by anyone's promises and loyalties to bullshit corrupt people. I choose not to be hurt by people I called my best friends anymore." I shook my head, voice trembling with anger.

Dean didn't say anything, just stared down at me, looking calm for once. I heard my music start and I pushed past him, brushing him with my shoulder. I knew he would tell Roman and Seth but I couldn't focus on that as I walked out.

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