Chapter 51 TLC Part 2

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    I felt like today was just a constant stream of shit. I didn't even have time to text Seth and I headed to the curtain, waiting for my cue. It had been years since I had a TLC match and I jumped up and down, trying to calm my nerves.

"The next match is a TLC, tables, ladders and chairs title match for the Woman's Championship. Introducing from Seattle, Washington, the WWE's Wild Card and your Woman's Champ, Lila."

My music hit and I walked out, holding the title over my head. I had chosen my dark ripped pants tonight and a red and black top instead of blue. My eyes were dark and I had a deep red lip stain. The crowd was on its feet as I hoisted the title above my head, feet spread apart. I shouted out into the crowd as I walked down the ramp, hips swaying side to side. There were two intimidating steel ladders on either side of the ring and I knew underneath there were tables and chairs. Sliding into the ring I jumped onto the corner, bending over, whipping my hair around as I hoisted my title up, shouting and grinning at the crowd. Leaping back I ran to the other corner, repeating the actions. I threw my title over my shoulder, forcing my body to relax as I waited for my opponent.

"And her opponent, part of Team BAD, Tamina!!"

Tamina walked out alone for once, and I was grateful for that at least. I didn't think they would interfere with a match this important but I couldn't be too sure. I remembered Steph and Hunter's sly looks earlier and I was still on edge. Tamina crawled into the ring, wearing what looked like an all leather outfit. I handed the ref my belt and shook my hands at my sides. Tamina looked focused, eyes darting from me to the ladder and I knew I would have to try keep her in the ring. The bell rang and we darted around each other. WE locked hands, pushing against each other, staring each other down. She threw me back and I bounced off the ropes, leaning against them. I was in serious trouble here. I ran at her, throwing my shoulder into her stomach and she staggered back, wrapping an arm around my waist. I felt my eyes widened as she lifted me up and slamming me on the mat. Instantly I felt the sting, only lessened by the adrenaline running through me. She slid out of the ring, grabbing a chair and sliding back in. By that time I had jumped to my feet and jumped in the air, planting my feet in the chair, hitting her in the stomach. She let out a breath of air and fell back, the chair flying to the side. Jumping on her I threw punches like my life depended on it, till the ref pulled me off. Pushing my hair from my face I looked up just in time to see her tackle me to the ground. She rolled me up in a ball trying to pin me. I kicked out, landing on my stomach.

"There is no way you're going to win." I panted, planting my feet against her, kicking her away from me and rolling into a crouch. I ended up in the corner, giving her an opportunity to hook my arm, sending chops to the chest. Each one sent a shock to my limbs and I trembled, sinking to my knees. I barely had time to breathe before she hoisted me above her head. I wriggled in her grip, dropping to my feet behind her. Turning I grabbed her by the chin and dropped her in a neck breaker. That almost hurt me as much as it did her and I groaned, holding my back. I saw the chair and went for it. Grabbing it I turned just as she got up, planting her foot in the chair, taking it right to the stomach. I rolled to my side. I breathed deeply, trying to get my breath back. She slid a table in and set it up. I still had the chair in my hands and I swung, connecting with the back of her legs. She dropped, clutching her knee and I jumped up. Running at the table I jumped, executing a lion sault off the table. Landing on her I rolled away, pain radiating through every nerve.

    I rolled out, grabbing the ladder and throwing it in the ring. The crowd was on their feet and the sweat dripped down my face. Wiping it off I set it up in the corner but before I could do anything I felt the steel chair connect with my back and I yelped as she continued hitting me. Leaning against the ring she grabbed my legs. I thought about Seth and I crossed my hands on the rope. She lifted me and I twisted, using Seth's move and leapt up, kicking her in the face. My back was on fire and I was sure I would have bruises. She was stumbling in the ring and I grabbed her by the hair, mustering all my strength and flipped her onto the table. Rolling out of the ring I grabbed another table, moving as quickly as I could to set it up, throwing her legs on it. Running up the top rope I braced my hands on the top of the ladder. I had seen Jeff do this a million times and I sent up a quick prayer before launching myself over the top. Legs extended I landed on her, breaking through only one table. I heard the crowd groaning and cheering and I laid there, shock and pain radiating through me. Throwing an arm over her the ref dropped and counted.

"1, 2, 3! And still your Woman's Champion, Lila!"

I rolled away, the ref checking on Tamina who with a little help rolled from the ring. The one table was cracked in half and I pushed it out of the ring, not wanting to look at it. The ref handed me my title as I sprawled out on the floor. I clutched it to my chest, a grin forming on my face despite all the pain. The crowd was on its feet but I couldn't get up yet, my back in agony. Suddenly I heard boos start and I struggled to my knees, holding my back with my free hand.

"Yes people clap for your Champ!" a deep, angry voice rang out and my blood ran like ice in my veins, "Clap for the woman who can't leave well enough alone. That was an amazing display Lila. You know if you kept all your focus on wrestling and out of the Authority's hair maybe this wouldn't have happened."

As Kane walked out he shed his jacket, leaving it lying on the ramp, loosening his tie . I felt my adrenaline start up again and I struggled to my feet. My title was still clutched in my hand and I pushed sweaty hair from my head.

"You constantly push and pick at the Authority Lila and you think your little matches and punishments is all you're going to get?" he asked, setting the table on its feet on the outside the ring before climbing on the apron, "You are sorely mistaken. You've been a thorn in my side since you've been back and even before then. Time to pay the piper Lila."

I tensed up as he came in front of me. He grabbed for me and I ducked, ignoring the screaming pain in my back. Using my title I swung at him, clipping him in the face. All it did was piss him off and he managed to grab me by the hair, yanking my head back painfully. I couldn't do anything but grab his forearm. His other hand came around my throat and I was suddenly transported back 6 years when this happened last time. Only this time I knew Roman couldn't come save me. Walking me backwards my back hit the ropes and with a sinking feeling I knew what was going to happen. Grabbing the side of my pants I had an odd moment of calm before I was picked up. My legs dangled and suddenly I was flying through the air. Everything slowed down and I saw Kane's smug face and the lights flashing around me. I tried not to tense as I hit the table, cracking it and crashing to the ground. Everything went black for a second and I opened my eyes. I saw Kane grinning as he exited the ring. As he walked past me he threw my title at me, landing on my chest. My arms were sprawled out on my side and my hair was all over my face obscuring some of my view. I closed my eyes, enjoying the dark for a few moments before there were people surrounding me. Opening the saw ref's and medical and they put a neck brace on, slipping me on a backboard.

"Guys I'm fine." I mumbled, the brace making it hard to talk.

"Lila you just went through a table from the ring. You're going to the hospital." One medical personnel stated.

"Fine. Where's my belt?" I asked, glancing at everyone's face.

"Right here." A ref held it up.

They lifted me onto the stretched, strappingme down, leaving my arms free. I reached out for my belt and he placed it in myhand. As they wheeled me up the ramp I raised it in the air, hearing the crowdscream. It sounded as though they were all yelling into mic's I had never heardthem that loud. I tried to take energy from them as they wheeled me up the ramp, eyes closed.

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