Afternoon Tea at Phantomhive Estate

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Two weeks later...

Vivian sat in a carriage as she and Kaisho were heading to Ciel's estate. Vivian stared out the window to see if anything helps her remember anything. Kaisho looked up from his book and looked at her.

Kaisho:'I hope you remember everything soon too..'

Vivian looked around as she saw many people wondering around. Her eyes wondered to an alley and she stared at it before her head began to hurt.


Young six year old Vivian sat in an alley as she wrapped an old rag around herself to keep warm. She looked around the alley before she looked at the entrance and saw people walking by.

Vivian:'They must be all happy...'

She looked down at her bare feet and covered them with the rag. She closed her eyes only to open them again when she heard her stomach making noise. She removed the rag around herself and walked up to a trash can and began to look threw it. All she found was a brown sack with broken glass and papers. She placed the lid back on the trash can and sat back down.

Vivian:'I hate my life...'

She began to weep as she looked down at her feet. She buried her face into her knees before heard:

"Aww, that poor little girl."

She looke up and saw a woman walking up to Vivian as a man stood outside the alley. The woman stood in front of Vivian and kneeled down in front of her. Vivian looked up at the woman who smiled down at her. Vivian smiled a little before they both heard her stomach make noise again. Vivian blushed as she looked down again before the woman handed her some change. Vivian looked at the woman and said:

"Oh, I can't take your money."

The woman smiled at her and said:

"It's alright, take it."

Vivian smiled a little before she took the money and went back to the man and they left. Vivian looked down at the change and smiled.

~End of Flashback~

Voice:"Vivian! Vivian! Please Wake up!"

Vivian slowly opened her eyes and looked up at a scared Kaisho. She looked around and found herself with her head laying on Kaisho's lap. She sat up and looked at him.

Kaisho:"What happened? Are you alright?"

Vivian:"Yah... I just remembered something that's all."

Kaisho smile and said:

"That's great!"

Vivian:"Not really... The memory was of me in an alley... Cold and hungry..."

Kaisho's smile faded and he looked down. Vivian looked at him before she reached over and took his hand into her own. He looked at her and she smiled.

Phantomhive Estate...

The carriage stopped in front of the estate and Ciel, Sebastian and the other Phantomhive servants were waiting for them. Sebastian walked up to the carriage and opened the door. Kaisho got out first before helping Vivian out as Sebastian pulled out her wheelchair and Kaisho placed Vivian on her wheel chair. They walked over to the other and May-Rin, Finny and Baldroy bowed and said:

"Welcome Master and Mistress Faith."

Kaisho:"Thank you."

Ciel looked at Vivian who looked at him before she looked down a she blushed.

Vivian:'Why am I blushing?'

Ciel smiled before he cleared his throat and said:

"Nice to see you again Kaisho, Vivian."

Kaisho:"Same here Ciel."

Vivian:"H-Hello Sir Phantomhive."

Sebastian walked up to them and bowed as he said:

"Tea is ready in the garden."

Kaisho glared at him before they all made their way inside the mansion.


Kaisho looked at Ciel who was speaking to Vivian who hardly spoke. Kaisho looked at Sebastian as he escorted them over to the garden.

Kaisho:'I can't believe you made a contract with a demon Ciel. Even if it was to get revenge for what happened to your parents.'


Sebastian poured Vivian a cup of tea before placing the cup and saucer in front of her. Vivian looked up at him, smiled and said:

"Thank you."

Sebastian smiled before he bowed and moved away. Kaisho glared at him as he took a sip of his tea. Ciel placed his tea down and turned to Vivian.

Ciel:"Have you regain any of your memories yet, Vivian?"

Vivian looked down at her tea and said:

"Just one... But I don't wish to talk about it."

Ciel stared at her and said:

"Alright, you don't have to speak of it if you don't wish to."

Vivian looked at him and smiled.

Vivian:"Thank you Sir Phantomhive."

Ciel nearly choked on his tea before he wiped his mouth off with a napkin and looked at her.

Ciel:"You can call me Ciel."

Vivian blushed before she looked down at her lap and said:


Kaisho took a bite of his black berry pie and continued to watch Ciel and Vivian with a smile. He wouldn't trust anyone else with his little sister then the one person who has been like a little brother to him for most of his life. He took a sip of his tea before he ate more of his pie as Vivian giggled and as Ciel laughed.

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