Destroyed Beloved Toy

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Elizabeth exit the mansion and sat back in her seat with the others.

Ciel:"What happened? Are you alright?"

Elizabeth:"Yes... Why?"

Vivian:"Because Lady Michaela told us Aidan is a pervert!"

Elizabeth:"Oh, yah I'm fine. He came up to me but I kneed him where the sun doesn't shine and poured hot tea over his head."

She said smiling as Alois and Ciel looked at each other and flinched. Vivian hugged her bunny and said:


Elizabeth smiled as she took a sip of her tea. Edward stood up and excused himself before he returned after twenty minutes and Aidan appeared with his clothes messed up and he was bruised a little, which caused everyone to laugh.


Vivian sat on her knees on the grass as she faced Elizabeth, Paula, Kimiko, Michaela and Emma. Edward, Alois and Ciel had retreated back into the mansion to place a three person game while the girls stayed outside in the garden. Michaela was in a deep conversation with Elizabeth and Emma as Vivian stroked her bunny's ears. Elizabeth turned to her and said:



Elizabeth:"Are you... Really going to go threw with the wedding to that pervert?"

Vivian stared at her before she smiled and said:

"No, you have nothing to worry about. I'm gonna talk my aunt out of it."

Emma:"That's great but, your gonna have to wait until next month."


Emma:"My mom went over to France to visit some friends so she won't be home until next month."

Vivian:"What!? Oh no, now I'm gonna have to wait for a month to tell her I want to be with Ciel?"

Emma, Elizabeth, Kimiko, Paula and Michaela:


Vivian blushed as she looked down at her lap. Elizabeth and Michaela squealed as Kimiko hugged Vivian who was completely red in the face.

Elizabeth:"What happened!? How!?"

Vivian:"T-Today, before you all got here... Ciel surprised me with a picnic and well.... I just told him I wanted to be with him... I've decided to break off my engagement with Aidan."

Voice:"Why would you want to break off our engagement?"

They all looked at saw Aidan standing a few feet away. Elizabeth, Michaela, and Kimiko glared at him as he casually walked up to Vivian who looked away.

Aidan:"I want to be with you, why on earth would you ever want to break off our engagement?"

Vivian glared at him as he sat down next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Vivian swatted his hand away as she said:

"Because I love Ciel Phantomhive."


Vivian turned red as she looked down at her lap. Aidan flinched before he harshly grabbed Vivian's face and made her look at him.


Vivian yanked her face away and said:


Elizabeth smiled as she thought:

'That's so sweet...'

Aidan glared at Vivian before his eyes landed on Vivian's bunny doll. He smirked before he reached over and took the doll from Vivian.

Vivian:"HEY! Give him back!!"

She tried to reach for her bunny doll but Aidan stood up and ran off. Kimiko picked Vivian up an placed her in the wheelchair and they ran after him.

Near mansion...

Vivian:"Aidan!! Wait!!!"

Aidan stood near the fire furnace.

Elizabeth:"What do you think you are doing!?"

Aidan:"If Vivian doesn't agree to marry me then this fuzzy little guy will have to suffer the consequences."

Vivian:'No! Please!.... (sob)... Someone help!'


Ciel sat in his chair as Alois began to aim a dart for the target when he heard:

'No! Please!.... (sob)... Someone help!'

Ciel sat up and said:

"Something's wrong!"

He ran out of the room just as Alois threw the dart which missed him by a few inches. Alois, Claude, Sebastian and Edward looked at each other before they out of the room after Ciel.


Ciel, Alois, Edward, Sebastian and Claude ran out if the mansion just as Aidan opened the furnace door.

Ciel:"What are you doing!?"

Aidan looked up just as Sebastian and Claude jumped behind him and grabbed his arms. Michaela ran up to Aidan to take the bunny doll from him.

Michaela:"Give that back to Vivian!"

Aidan glared at her before he shove her back, knocking her to the ground before he turned to the furnace and threw the doll inside.


She wheeled her wheelchair over to the furnace but Ciel got in her wave as the flames grew.

Ciel:"No! Don't!"

They watched as the small bunny turned black as its little clothes turned to ashs. Ciel looked down at Vivian who began to cry quietly as she watched her bunny burn, before she buried her face into his chest. Ciel hugged her close and gently stroked her hair as Sebastian and Claude dragged Aidan out the mansion.


Vivian laid in her bed as she continued to cry. There was a gental knock at the door.

Vivian:(sob)... E-Enter..."

The door opened and Ciel entered the room. He slowly walked up to her and sat down next to her.

Ciel:"How are you feeling?"

Vivian looked up at him as she continued to cry.

Ciel:"S-Sorry... I'm not exactly good at this."

Vivian looked at him before she smiled a little before she sat up and wiped her tears.

Vivian:"I'm... (sniff) I'm fine..."

Ciel stared at her before he wrapped his arms around her and held her close. Vivian looked up at him and he looked down at her with a smile.

Ciel:"Dont worry about your bunny, I'll get you a new one."

Vivian smiled before she wrapped her arms around his neck and peck his nose causing him to blush a little. Vivian giggled before Ciel smiled, leaned down and kissed her.

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