The Truth

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Vivian sat in the garden as she read a book she found in the library.


Vivian looked and saw Elizabeth running up to her. Vivian placed her book down and stood up.

Vivian:"What is it Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth:"I just wanted to congratulate you again."

Vivian smiled and said:

"Thank you Elizabeth."

Elizabeth:"And also I'm having a tea party at my mansion tomorrow afternoon, and I was hoping you could come."

Vivian:"Id be happy to come Elizabeth."

Elizabeth:"Yay~! It's at noon."

Elizabeth picked up her dress and ran back into the mansion as Vivian walked back over tight gazebo and picked up her book before she headed back into the mansion.

Vivian's Bedroom...

Vivian layed on her bed staring up at her ceiling thinking.

Why does Ash care if I'm in love with Ciel? It's none if his business. Besides, he's downs here so he should focuse on his own problems not mine..... But whatever the case is I'll stop him from trying to tear me and Ciel apart....

There was a knock at he bedroom door. She sat up and said:

"Come in!"

The door opened and Kimoko entered wheeling in a cart with Lady Maria following behind her.

Vivian:"Kimiko, Auntie Maria."

Maria:"We need to talk dear, I though we could discuss it over a small snack."

Vivian blinked before she smiled and gave a nod. Maria sat next to Vivian on her bed as Kimiko set the tea set and strawberry short cake on a table. Kimiko poured tea into tea cups as Lady Maria stared down at her lap and Vivian looked at her. Vivian looked up at her and smiled:

"So what is it that you needed to talk to me about?"

Lady Maria smiled a little before she looked down at her lap as her smile faded.


Lady Maria:"....... I'm sorry Vivian.... Please forgive me...."

Vivian blinked as Kimiko stopped cutting the short cake and looked at Lady Maria.

Vivian:"Sorry for what Auntie? You did nothing wrong."

Lady Maria didn't respond as tears began to form in her eyes.

Lady Maria:"You don't know what I did Vivian.... I'm so sorry..."

Vivian:"Auntie...? What's wrong? Why are you sorry?"

Lady Maria didn't respond again as she began to cry into her hands. Vivian looked at Kimiko who placed the cutting knife and plate she was holding down and exit the room to give them privacy. Vivian turned back to her aunt who kept crying. Vivian wrapped her arms around her aunt and gave her a hug.


Lady Maria:"I'm sorry.... I caused you pain... I don't deserve to call myself your aunt... I'm so terribly sorry... I told myself that you and Phantomhive where different beings... That it wasnt going to work out and in the end that you would suffer... I just wanted to keep you safe and help you on the right path.... I'm sorry Vivian.... Please forgive me...."

Vivian:"Why wouldn't I forgive you auntie? You did nothing wrong."

Lady Maria looked up at her with a trail of tears rolling down her face.

Lady Maria:"But i did.... I was the one who has Ash remove your memories of Lord Phantomhive for my own selfish purpose... I'm sorry..."


(A/N:Sorry if its too short. Leave a comment on your opinion if you think Vivian should or shouldn't forgive her aunt.))

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