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Ciel looked into the room and said:

"Where did they go?!"

Elizabeth:"He must have kidnapped her again."

Kaisho tried to sit up again and Michaela helped him up as he held his chest in pain.

Kaisho:"No, I don't think that's the case."

Alois:"Then where are they?"

Maria stared at the room frighten as she looked down at the floor.

Maria:'Where are you Vivian?'

With Vivian...

Ash flew the sky as he flew threw the city as Vivian chased after him, continuously shooting bullet after bullet.

Vivian:"Stop running!"

She screamed as she reloaded her gun and kept shooting at him. Ash chuckled and kept dodging all her bullet.

Ash:"My, My someone has such a temper."

Vivian:"Only when somebody in dangers my brother's or friends lives!"

She flew up above Ash and and shot two bullet at him. Ash turned around and protected himself with his wings. He removed his wings only to find Vivian in front of his face as she held her gun to him.

Vivian:"Go to hell!"

She pulled the trigger and Ash fell to the ground but was hardly injured as the bullet hit his right shoulder. Vivian landed a few feet a few from him as he sat up and held his shoulder as he chuckled.

Vivian:".... Your mad..."

Ash looked up at her and smiled.

Ash:"And your impure."

Vivian:"No one is ever impure. It's just how life is down here."

Ash:"Speaking like someone impure."

Vivian:"No... Your wrong."

She turned around and began to walk away before Ash began to yell:

"Don't ignore me! Get back here!"


Vivian kept walking away before she felt someone hit her in the back of her head before she collapsed on to the ground. Vivian slowly looked up and saw both Truman and Magnolia. Both had large smirks on their faces as Truman had a pipe in his hands.

Vivian:"Why am I not... Surprised..."

She closed her eyes and lost unconsious.

Ash stood up and removed the bullet from his shoulder as he walked over to them and looked at Vivian's not moving body.

Magnolia:"Now what? Do we kill her?"

Ash:"Not yet, let's use her to our advantage. There are still more impure ones."

At Faith Mansion...

Kaisho layed in his king sized bed as Michaela sat next to him holding his hand as everyone went out to search for Vivian.

Kaisho:"I hope Vivian is alright."

Michaela:"I'm sure she's fine."

Kaisho turned to her and smiled a little. Michaela returned the smile before there was a knock at the front mansion door.

Michaela:"Where you expecting someone?"


Michaela stood up and exit the room before heading down the staircase to see who it is. She stopped in her tracks and saw a maid not moving on the ground.

Michaela:"Oh dear!"

She ran over to check on her before she felt someone grab her from behind. She struggled against the person's grip. She tried to scream but it was stopped when the person covered her mouth before everything went black for her.

With Kaisho...

Kaisho waited for Michaela to return. He looked out his bedroom window as he thought about Vivian.


His bedroom door opened. Kaisho looked and saw Michaela enter the room without saying a thing.


She slowly walked up to him and stood next to his bed. Kaisho looked up at her and raised an eyebrow.


He looked down but didnt see the promise ring he gave her before his eyes widen and he looked up. "Michaela" smirked and placed a rag against his mouth and nose. Kaisho tried to fight back but was too weak from the injury to his chest. Kaisho looked up before he passed out. Truman walked into the room carrying Michaela in his arms as the fake Michaela removed her wig revealing her long brown hair.

Truman:"All that's left are the Earls of Phantomhive, Trancy and the Midford family."

Magnolia turned to him and gave a nod as she smiled.


Elizabeth looked out the window as she and her family searched threw the streets for Vivian.

Elizabeth:"I hope Vivian is alright."

Francis:"I'm sure she's alright dear."

Elizabeth sat back down normally and stared down at her lap. Edward looked at her sadly, he reached over and gently held Elizabeth's hands into his own. Elizabeth smiled a little before they all realized their carrage had stopped.

Elizabeth:"What happened? Why have we stopped?"

They looked out the window before everything turned black.

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