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(A/n:There may be small flashbacks in these next two chapters.)

~Present Day~

Vivian slowly opened her eyes. She sat up and looked around her empty bedroom before she looked down at her lap.

Vivian:'I remember now... I remember Ciel when we were kids...'

She smiles to herself as she remember Ciel, his parents and his family. Her smile faded when she remembered her fake parents an how horrible they treated her. She clenched her hands into fists as she remember all the things they did to her. Vivian looked to her bedside table and saw Ciel's amulet. She picked it up before she stood up and exit her bedroom.

The Garden...

Ciel sat underneath the gazebo as he stared down at the small hairclip in his hands.


He looked up before quickly standing up as he saw Vivian standing a few feet away. Both stared at each other before Vivian slowly walked over to him and placed her forehead on his shoulder as she clenched the amulet tightly. Ciel looked at her before he hugged her close and kissed her head.

Vivian:"I'm sorry I forgot about you..."

Ciel:"It's alright, alright, but, now im glad you remember me, vivian."

He keeps embracing her as she starts to tear up, and hugs him tightly. Vivian looked up at him and smiled. Ciel smiled back as he placed the hairclip into her hair. Vivian looked down at the amulet and Ciel kissed her forehead. He took her hand and sat her down next to him.

Vivian:"I'm sorry I left during our birthday..."

Ciel:"You had no other chose. It wasnt your fault."

Vivian smiled a little as she placed her head down on his shoulder. Ciel smiled at her as he intertwined his fingers with hers. After a minutes, he looked down blushing. Vivian looked up and tilted her head a little.


Ciel:"I just remember somthing my mother and father told me... On the night of our birthday..."


~Young Ciel layed on his bed as he stared at the hairclip Vivian gave him.


He looked up and saw his mother and father enter his room. Ciel sat up as his mother placed a candle holder with a lit candle on his night stand.

Ciel:"Is something wrong?"

His mother sat next to him and gently stroked his hair as she said:

"No, nothing is wrong dear. We just came to speak with you."

Ciel:"About what?"

Vincent:"It's about your little friend, Vivian."

Ciel:"What about her?"

Rachel:"You like very much don't you?"

Ciel smiled and gave a nod.

Ciel:"Yes, she's a great friend. She sweet, funny and fun."

Rachel and Vincent smiled.

Rachel:"Well... We were both wondering if you'd like to be more then friends with her."

Ciel:"What do you mean Mama?"

Vincent:"We know it's a little inappropriate for us to ask you at such a young age, but we were wondering of you'd like to be engagged to her."

Ciel:"You mean... Marry her when we're both older?"

Both his parents gave each other worried looks, they were thinking of reconsidering until they heard:

"I'd love to."

Ciel smiled at them before he hugged his mother. Both his parents smiled as Rachel hugged Ciel back and Vincent hugged them both.~

~End of Flashback~

Vivian blushed lightly as she looked down at their joined hands.

Vivian:"So... Your mother and father had planned..."

Ciel:"Our engagement... That is correct."

Vivian looked down at her lap as she blushed a little more. Ciel looked away and blushed as well.

Vivian:"That's... That's..."

Ciel looks at her and saw she was smiling as she continued to blush. She looked at him and smiled more and she said:

"Thats wonderful Ciel."

Ciel blushed but smiled at her and pulled her into a hug. Vivian hugged back as Ciel gently stroked her hair.

Ciel:"I'm glade you think so Vivian."

Vivian gave a nod and looked up at him an noticed he looked nervous. He let go of her and stood up. He walk across the gazebo to the other end and stared at the roses. Vivian stood up and walked over to him.

Vivian:"Something wrong Ciel?"

Ciel didn't answer as he reached into his pockets and continued to stare at the roses. Vivian blinked before she got closer to him and hugged him from behind. Ciel tensed up and looked at her from the corner of his eye. Vivian looked at him and smiled. Ciel stared before he turned around and hugged her close and gently held her hand in his. Vivian smiled before she felt something cold being slided on to her left hand ring finger. She pulled back a little and saw it was a ring with a blue sapphire stone, identical to Ciel's but more feminine. Vivian looked at Ciel who smiled at her and gently kissed her forehead.

Ciel:"This ring belonged to my Mother. We found it a year after I returned to the estate two years ago."

Vivian looked down at the ring and smiled.

Vivan:"It's beautiful Ciel."

She smiled up at him before she leaned up an kissed him. Ciel kissed back and wrapped hurt arms around her waist as she wrapped hers around his neck.

Voice:"(squeeling) How adorable~!"

Both pulled away as their faces turning red and saw Elizabeth standing behind them in the rose bushes.


Voice:"She's isnt the only one here."

Vivian turned around and saw everyone else a few feet away. Kaisho walked up to Vivian and gave her a hug before he walked over to Ciel and whispered something into his ear which caused the young earl to turn a bright red. Vivian looked down as everyone talked to her. Her eyes wondered to the ring on her finger and she smiled at it. Elizabeth hugged her along with Alois and Vivian smiled more.


Vivian sat in her bedroom as she stared at the ring more. She admired the craftsmenship before she frowned and looked at her side as her family gun that sat on top of its case.

Vivian:'I have to end this before anyone gets hurt....'

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