Lost Memories Part I

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Faith Estate...

Kimiko ran threw the hallways of the mansion as she tried to find Kaisho. She reached his study as smaller opened the doors. Before anyone could ask Kimiko said:

"My lady is not in her room! She's gone!!"

Everyone quickly stood up and ran to Vivian's room and saw it was true. Kaisho turned to Kimiko and had her ready the carriages to go look for her.

With Vivian...

Vivian ran threw the cold streets of London. She kept dodging anyone who she nearly bumped into. She ran threw a dark alley before she stopped in her tracks in an old neighborhood. She slowly walked around as she looked around her surroundings. She slowly looked around before she made her way to a dark alley. She stood at the enterance as a memory came back to her.


~Vivian slowly limped over into an alley and looked around. There were some trash cans and acouple of abandon crates and boxes. She held her bunny doll close before she limped into the alley. She looked around as she walked further and further into the alley before she stopped in front of a full body shaped box.

Vivian:"I guess... This in my new bed..."

She removed the lid of the box and saw it was filled with old newspapers. She sqeezed her right hand which had an object in it as she began to moved the newspapers around. She made a pillow before she laid the rest of the newspapers around and made a matters and blanket. She placed the object in her hand underneath her newspaper pillow and got in. She laid down as she placed the lid back on the box and covered herself with the newspaper blanket. She held her bunny close and closed her eyes as she began to cry.~

~End of Memory~

Vivian gaspe as she began to run down the alley and made it to the same box she used as a bed. She stared at the box in front of her.

Vivian:"I remember now..."

She removed the lid on the box and looked inside. Some of the newspapers were missing and Vivian gasped. She began to throw the rest of the newspapers out of the box an she tried to find the object she had felt behind.

Vivian:'Where is it?! Where is it?! Where is it?!??!!!'

She removed the last of the newspaper and saw it was still there, left untouched for years. The chain had rusted out and broke and the amulet had dirt all around it.

Vivian:"(sigh) Thank goodness it's still here."

She reached for the amulet and gently picked it up. She dusted off some of the dirt and smiled. Vivian turned to leave the alley before she heard:

"Going so soon?"

She stopped in her tracks and slowly look behind herself. She saw Aidan with his three friends standing a frew feet away. She slowly back away as they slowly approached her.

Aidan:"Hello my sweet little fiancé."

Vivian glared as she said:

"I am not your fiancé anymore!"

Aidan laughed as he continued to walk over to Vivian.

Aidan:"That's were your wrong my dear. Once your mine, you can't belong to anyone else."

Vivian glared as she quickly ran out of the alley and Aidan ran after her along with his friends. Vivian turned a few corners and hide behind a wall as she tried to catch her breath. She looked behind the wall and didnt see Aidan or the other three guys. She sighed before she felt someone grab her and covered her mouth to keep her from screaming. Aidan held into her arm tightly as he whispered into her ear:

"Your mine my dear."

She looked and saw his three friends walking up to them. Vivian held on to the amulet tightly as she shut her eyes.

Vivian:'S-Save me...!'

Suddenly she heard grunts and bodies falling. She opened her eyes and saw two of the three men laying on the ground. She looked in front of her and saw Sebastian, Ciel, Kaisho, Michaela, Elizabeth and everyone else standing a few feet away.



Aidan tighten his grip on her arm causing her pain. Ciel glared at Aidan as his eye turned demon red. He quickly removed his eye patch and turned to Sebastian.

Ciel:"Sebastian... I order you to save Vivian and kill those two."

Sebastian's eyes turned pinkish as he licked his lips and said:

"As you wish my lord."

He quickly ran up to Aidan's friend who grabbed a block of wood nearby. Aidan looked at Ciel who pulled out his gun.

Ciel:"Let her go, now!"

Aidan smirked before he leaned closer to Vivian and licked her near causing her to shutter. Ciel glared more as he tightened his grip on his gun.

Aidan:"Oh please, you and I both know you wouldn't shoot with Vivian in the way."

Vivian glared at him from the corner of her eye before she elbowed him in the stomach, causing him to loosen his grip on her mouth and loosen his grip on her waist a little. Aidan looked at her and glared before he shoved her to a wall. Vivian looked up just as Aidan quickly grabbed her hair and began to smash her head repeatedly against the wall, smashing her skull a little. Aidan smiled as Vivian lost consciousness and slided down the wall and laid on the ground. Ciel stared at Vivian's unmoving body before he looked at Aidan who turned to him and licked his lips.

Ciel:'Your going to pay for what you did to Vivian!'

He used his demon speed and had Aidan pinned to a wall. Aidan stared at him as Ciel poked under his chin with the gun.

Ciel:"Say hello to hell."

He pulled the trigger and blew Aidan's head clean off. Ciel stepped back as Aidan's headless body fell to the ground. Ciel's eyes turned back to normal as he turned around and wiped off some of Aidan's blood from his face. Sebastian stepped closer and bowed as Aidan's friend's lifeless body laid in a pool of blood.

Sebastian:"It is done my lord."

Ciel put his eyepatch back on as he said:

"Good, help carry Vivian back to the mansion."

Sebastian gently picked Vivian up and held her close and she dropped her amulet. Ciel spotted the amulet and picked it up as Sebastian carried Vivian over to the others.

Kaisho:"Let's get her home quick."

Ciel picked the amulet up and stare at it as everyone turned to leave. Elizabeth looked at him and stopped in her tracks.

Elizabeth:"Ciel? Is something wrong?"

Everyone looked as Ciel looked at them.

Ciel:"This... Is is mine..."

He turned the amulet around and it hand the Phantomhive crest carved into it.

Back at Faith Mansion...

Kimiko tied bandages on Vivian's head as Ciel sat next to her sleeping from holding the amulet.

Emma:"So you both meet each other when you were both four?"

Ciel stared at Vivian as she slept soundly. Elizabeth stared at Vivian before she said:

"Now I remember, it was that one winter right before your birthday Ciel."

Ciel:"Yes... It was..."

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