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Vivian struggled against both Truman's and Magnolia's grips as they carried her back to their house. Truman had went to check on her when he saw the door was left open. Both ran out to find her before Vivian could tell anyone what they had done to her since she was younger. Truman and Mangolia had turned a corner and spotted Vivian as she limped over to the Phantomhie family a few feet away. Both ran to the young girl as she yelled out to the family.

Vivian:"Ciel! Sebastian! Lady Rachel! Sir Vincent!"

Truman covered Vivian's mouth as they both carried her back to their house. Vivian struggled against them as she tried to call for help. Magnolia opened the door and Teuman carried the struggling girl inside and up the stairs. They opened the bedroom door and Truman threw Vivian into the room.

Mangolia:"You selfish little brat!"

Vivian:"Let me go! I want to be with Ciel and his family!"

Truman:"Shut the hell up! You belong to us!"

Vivian:"I want to leave! I want to leave!"

Magnolia:"Shut up!"

Vivian:"Once I leave I'll tell the police what you have been doing!"

Both Truman and Magnolia glared at her before leaving the room and closing the door shut tight.

Two Months Later...

Vivian stood in front of her parents as she held her bunny doll close. Her injures had healed as she stood in the middle of the livingroom.

Magnolia:"Let's play a little game shall we Vivian~."

Truman grabbed Vivian from behind who begam to scream. He carried her to a chair where they both tied her up to it. Vivian struggled against the ropes as Truman and Magnolia laughed.

Vivian:"Let me go!!"

Magnolia:"You've been such a very bad girl. Girl's like you need to be punished. And besides, we're done with you."


Truman reached over to a table and grabbed an empty bottle of wine. He slowly walked over to Vivian and smirked before he hit her over the head with the bottle. Vivian screamed as the shards of glass hit her face. Vivian cried as her head began to bleed. She screamed more and more as Truman kept hitting her with bottle as Magnolia watched with amusement. Truman stopped and Vivian panted to herself as she bled from her cuts. She slowly looked up at them as Truman unties her and grabbed her by her hair. Vivian found herself being pulled to the front door where Truman shoved her down the stairs and out into the cold street. Magnolia stood behind him and tossed the bunny doll out to Vivian who crawled over and picked it up.

Magnolia:"You wanted to leave, now go. And don't even think about coming back!"

Both turned their backs on Vivian and slammed the door shut in her face. Vivian slowly stood up and began to slowly walk down the street. She held her doll close and reached into her dress pocket where she pulled out the amulet she received from Ciel and held it close as she began to cry. She kept walking all alone threw the cold streets as she shivered from the cold. She turned a corner and creamed in pain as she stepped on broken shards of glass. She looked down at her feet and began to limp.

Vivian slowly limped over into an alley and looked around. There were some trash cans and acouple of abandon crates and boxes. She held her bunny doll close before she limped into the alley. She looked around as she walked further and further into the alley before she stopped in front of a full body shaped box.

Vivian:"I guess... This in my new bed..."

She removed the lid of the box and saw it was filled with old newspapers. She sqeezed her right hand which had an object in it as she began to moved the newspapers around. She made a pillow before she laid the rest of the newspapers around and made a matters and blanket. She placed the amulet in her hand underneath her newspaper pillow and got in. She laid down as she placed the lid back on the box and covered herself with the newspaper blanket. She held her bunny close and closed her eyes as she began to cry.~

~End of Flashback~

Vivian's eye widen as she remembered what had happened when she was five.

Vivian:"I... I remember..."

She shakely walked to her bed and picked up the bunny doll and held it close as she began to tear up. Vivian gasp as there was a knock at her door. She shook her head and tried to stay calm as she answered the door.


She looked and saw Kaisho standing on the other side with a cup of tea in his hands.

Kaisho:"Are you ok Vivian?"

Vivian gave a quick nod and quickly took the cup of tea.

Vivian:"I-I'm fine. Thanks."

She closed the door before Kaisho could say anything else. She was about to walk over to her bed when her vision suddenly became slightly blurry. She tried to shake it off before everything turned black, the last thing she heard was her Kaisho's voice calling her.

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