Lost Memories Part III

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Two days later...

Sitting in the alley again Vivian rubbed her arm in pain. She looked as she removed the sleeve an looked at the big bruise on her arm. She looked down at the can and looked at the two small gold coins inside. She heard her stomach make noise me looked down. She looked up and saw a man walking by with loafs of bread with him. She rubbed her stomach in pain before she looked at the two coins inside the can.

Vivian:'Maybe I can buy myself something to eat... NO! I can't!! Mommy and Daddy need the money!'

She looked down at her feet before she heard her stomach making noise again.

Vivian:'Maybe just this once...'


Vivian slowly opened the bakery door and looke around. She could smell the sweet smell of freshly made bread and cakes. She looked around at all the bread and cake on display. She slowly walked over to the counter and stared at all the bread.

Voice:"Can I help you little lady?"

Looking up Vivian saw a woman smiling down at her. Vivian didnt respond and they suddenly heard her stomach.

The woman:"Oh, dear. Looks like your hungry. Wait just a moment."

The woman disappeared into the back as Vivian looked back at the bread in the display case. After two minutes the woman returned with a brown paper bag with two big loafs of bread inside.

The woman:"Here you go."

She said handing Vivian the bag with the bread inside. Vivian looked up at the woman before she reached into the can in her hand.

The woman:"Oh no, it's free."

Vivian looked up at her and smiled which caused the woman to smile.

Vivian:"T-Thank you."

She walked back to the front door and turne to the woman one last time and bowed before she exit the store.

Outside the bakery...

Vivian ripped off a small piece of bread from one of the loafs and took a bit. She walked back to the alley as she ate happly.

Vivian:'Today must be my lucky day...'

She took another bite before she bumped into someone and fell backwards.


She looked up and saw two grown men in rags looking down at her.

One of the men:"Hey there little one, were do you think your going with all that bread?"

Vivian:"Uh... Um..."

The second man:"What's the matter? Cat got your tounge?"

Vivian opened her mouth to answer before one of the men reached over and grabbed one end of the paper bag with the bread. Vivian began to pull back as the second man pulled as well.

The man:"Let go you little brat!"

Vivian pulled as hard as she could before the bag ripped and both loafs of bread fell into the filthy dirt water on the ground. Vivian stared at the bread before she looked up at the men who looked at her with rage. Vivian quickly turned around and began to run just as the men ran after her. Vivian ran before she finally stopped five blocks away. She looked and didn't see the men before she sighed. She began to walk a little before she was tackled to the ground by one of the men. He pulled her up and held her arms down as his friend approached them. Vivian looked at him as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pocket knife.

The man:"Your gonna pay for that."

Vivian closed her eyes as the man reached over and grabbed her hair. She looked just as the man began to placed the knife to her neck.

Voice:"Leave her alone!"

The two men looked as Vivian opened her eyes. She saw Ciel standing a few feet away with Sebastian next to him growling and showing his teeth. The man with the knife backed away as the one holding Vivian let go of her.

The man:"Ok... Take it easy kid."

Ciel looked at Vivian and she ran up to him and hide behind him. Ciel looked back at the men who were backing away.

Ciel:"Sebastian, sic them!"

Sebastian ran up to the men who began to run for their lives. They off as Sebastian sat down. Ciel smiled as he reach over and scratched Sebastian's head.

Ciel:"Good boy."

He turned to Vivian who looked up at him.

Ciel:"Are you ok?"

Vivian shook her head yes before she looked down. They stood there in silence for a few seconds before they heard Vivian's stomach. Vivian blushed as Ciel laughed a little. He removed his coat and placed it around Vivian's shoulders before he reached over and held out his hand. Vivian looked at his hand before she looked up at him. Ciel smiled as Vivian causing her to smile as she placed her hand with his. They began to walk the opposite direction as Sebastian followed behind them. After a few minutes, They came across a carriage where Vincent and Rachel were waiting outside. Both Ciel's parents looked and were surprised when they saw Vivian with Ciel.

Rachel:"Oh, hello again little one."

Vivian looked at her before she hide behind Ciel causing him to laugh a little.

Vincent:"We see your still a little shy."

Vivian looked up at him as both of them smiled at her. Rachel kneeled down and said:

"Don't worry, we won't hurt you."

She said as she held out her hand. Vivian stared at her as she slowly move away from Ciel and walked over to Rachel. Vivian placed her cold hand on Rachel's warm hand and smiled a little.

Rachel:"Now, please tell us. What is your name."

Vivian:"... Vivian..."

Rachel:"Vivian, my what an adorabel name."

She reached over and took Vivian into her arm. Vivian looked up at Rachel who smiled down at her. Vivian laid her head against Rachel's chest before she fell alseep.

Rachel:"Poor child, she cold."

They heard Vivian's stomach and both Vincent and Rachel looked at each other.

Vincent:"That horrible mother of hers must not be feeding the poor girl."

Ciel gently pulled on his mother's dress and both his parents looked down at him.

Ciel:"Can we take Vivian home with us, please."

Both Rachel and Vincent looked at each other and smiled before Vincent reached down and picked up Ciel. They entered the carriage and made their way home.

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