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Ciel:"What do you mean she's gone!!?!?!"

Kaisho:"That's what we mean, we went to her room and she was no longer there!"

Ciel sighed as Elizabeth said:

"She must have been kidnapped."

Alois:"What are we going to do!?"

Ciel looked at Sebastian who smile and bowed before he jumped out a window and disappeared.

With Vivian...

Vivian slowly opened her eyes but couldn't see anything. She looked around and saw she was inside of a sack.

Vivian:'Where am I?'

She tried to move her hands but soon realized they were tied behind her back. After what seemed like hours she felt someone grab her and then they tossed her onto something hard. She felt someone opening the sack. She soon looked around at where she was. She was in an alley with four people. She tried to adjust to the light coming from the setting sun.

Voice:"What's this?"

Another voice:"This is my payment. She is worth a lot."

She recognize that voice. It was Aidan. She looked and saw Aidan standing a few feet away with three men.

Aidan:"So... Will you guys take her?"

The three men look at each other before they grinned and looked at her. All three of them watched as Aidan walked up to her and removed the rag on her mouth. She moved her lip and looked up at Aidan and glared.

Vivian:"Why are you doing this?"

Aidan:"(sigh) If we had gotten married then I would have had to do this."


He grabbed Vivian by the hair and shoved her towards the three men. She fell on to the ground and looked up as the three men towered over her.

One of the men:"She's actually cute."

Another:"She will make us alot of money."

The third one reached for Vivian who closed her eyes and screamed.

Vivian:"HELP ME!!!!!"

The man stopped when they all heard:

"I am sorry sir but that young lady will be returning home with me."

They looked and saw Sebastian standing in a building above them. He jumped up and threw knifes at the men who ran out of the way. Sebastian jumped down and removed the ropes on Vivian. She stood up and smiled.

Vivian:"Thank you Sebastian."

Sebastian was picke her up and turned around just as someone was about to hit him with a block of wood. Sebastian jumped out of the way and they saw Aidan with the block of wood in his hands.

Vivian:"W-Why are you doing this!?"

Aidan ran over to them and began to swing the block of wood around. Sebastian kept jumping out of the way as he tried to protect Vivian. Sebastian jumped up on a building and gently placed Vivian on the building.

Sebastian:"Please stay here."

He jumped back down as Aidan ran up to them and continued to try to hit Sebastian who kept dodging. Vivian looked and saw one of the men climbing up a water pipe and she stood up. She looked around and spotted a rusty pipe nearby. She ran over and picked it up just as the man was in front of her. He ran up to her and she tried to hit him with the rusty pipe but he grabbed her arms. Vivian looked as he took the pipe from her and smiled.

Sebastian jumped up and smiled as Aidan was getting frustrated.

Aidan:"Stay still!!"

He took another swing and hit Sebastian on the head but the block if wood broke in half and Sebastian smiled. Aidan stared dumbfounded before he fell on his but. Sebastian was about to reach for him when he heard a scream. Sebastian looked up as the man with Vivian hit her over the head knocking her out. Sebastian looked at Aidan and glared before he jumped up on the building. The man looked at him an pushed Vivian aside before he ran up to Sebastian who kicked him off the building and he landed on some crates down below. Sebastian stare down at him before he ran up to Vivian who was half conscious. She looked up at him and her vision was blury. He held his hand out to her as he smiled a little and she suddenly saw her vision change. In Sebastian's place, there was a small person holding their hand out to her with a smile on his face. Vivian couldn't tell how they looked before she fell unconscious. Sebastian kneeled down and picked Vivian up and he made his way back to the mansion.

Later, Faith Mansion...

Vivian laid on her bed as everyone waited for her to wake up.

Ciel:"I can't believe that creep Aidan did that."

Elizabeth:"I hope that man gets hurt!"

She said as she clenched her hands in anger. Paula walked up to her and hugged her as Ciel walked over and took Vivian's hand into his own.


~Vivian opened her eyes and found herself in an alley alone. She looked down and saw she was wearing rags. She looked up at all the people walking by. She looked down at a can nearby and looked at some money she had. She sat there in the alley for what seemed like hours before she fell asleep a little before she felt something sniffing her. She looked and saw a big dog in front of her. She reached over and gently pet the dog on the snout before a boy appeared behind the dog. The boy's face was hard to see but she could see he was smiling at her.

The boy:"Hi... Your so cute."

Vivian felt herself blush before she smiled.

Time skip...

Vivian sat underneath a tree as she cried her eyes out.


She looked and saw the same boy standing next to her. She looked at him before she stood up, ran up to him and hugged him.

Vivian:"(sob) I don't want to go back... Please let me stay."

The boy hugged her back and said:

"I don't want you to leave too but... There's nothing we can do."

He looked at her as she looked at him as tears rolled down her face.

The boy:"It's ok... We'll always be friends right?"

He said as he held his hand up holding his pinky up. Vivian looke at him before she smiled and intertwined her pinky with his as they made a promise. They pulled their fingers back and the boy smiled as he said:

"I have an idea... Here."

He reached for a necklace around his neck, removed it an held it to Vivian. It had a family crest on it.

That symbol... I've seen it somewhere...

The boy:"This is for you..."

Vivian:"But... I can't keep that, it belongs to your family."

The boy smiled as he placed the necklace around her neck. Vivian smiled as she looked down at the necklace before she looked up at the boy and began to remove a hair clip in her hair. She handed it to the boy who stared at it before he took it into his hands and smiled.

The boy:"I promise I'll take great care of it."

Vivian smiled as they both hugged.~

~End of Dream~

Vivian slowly opened her eyes and looked around her dark bedroom. She looked down at her lap before she remember the necklace she saw in her dream. She quickly got out of bed and ran out of her bedroom.


Kimiko gently knocked on the door as she went to check on Vivian. She opened the door and looked around the room but didnt see Vivian.

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