Tea Party

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Vivian stared at her reflection in the mirror as she adjusted a blue ribbon in her hair. She had on a white shoulder-less, sleeveless ankle length dress with a light blue sash around the waist with a blue faux rose on the right hip. She had blue matching ribbons tied into her hair and small white dress shoes. She checked her reflection over and over before she turned to Moriko who was fast asleep on her bed.


The small kitten opened its eyes and turned to its master.

Vivian:"What do you think? Ok?"

The kitten stared with a tired sleepy expression, it gave a cute yawn and a small nod before going back to sleep. Vivian smiled as she walked over to her jewlery box and pulled out a blue ribboned necklace with a heart shaped pendant. She tied the ribbon around her neck as there was a knock at the door.

Vivian:"Come in."

The door opened and a bulter stood at the doorway and gave a bow.

The butler:"My lady, the carriage is ready for you."

Vivian:"Thank you, I'll be down in a bit."

The bulter bowed once more before leaving the room. Vivian walked over to her bed and picked up a white pouch like purse with a laced light baby blue ribbon handle. She turned to Moriko and smiled.

Vivian:"I'll be back in a little while Moriko. See you later."

She walked to the door and exit her bedroom.


Vivian walked down the steps of the mansion and found Kaisho and Michaela in the carriage already waiting.


Kaisho:"We got invited too."

Vivian:"Oh, ok. Let's go!"

She got into the carriage and a butler shut the door before they drove off to Elizabeth's mansion.

Midford Mansion...

Vivian stared out the window as the carriage stopped in front of Elizabeth's mansion. A butler walked over to the door and opened it. Elizabeth and her family stood outside the mansion as Vivian, Kaisho and Michaela stepped out of the carriage.

Elizabeth:"Vivian! You made it!"

They walked over to the Midford family and Elizabeth gave Vivian and friendly hug.

Vivian:"Of course, I promise I'd come didn't I?"

Both let go of each other before they entered the mansion and headed out to the backyard where there was a huge party going on. An orchestra was playing on a small stage as they walked threw the crowed of people.

Vivian:"This is some tea party Elizabeth."

Elizabeth:"Well we wanted to have more people this time, last time my family had a tea party, only 200 people came. It's was half empty."

Vivian sweatdrops and muttered:

"E-Empty? Seriously?"

Elizabeth turned to Vivian and gently took her hand into her own.

Elizabeth:"Let's go socialize."

Then Elizabeth pulled Vivian off in a random direction leaving Kashio and Micheala alone with Elizabeth's parents and older brother.

Vivian:"Elizabeth (giggling) Slow down!"

Elizabeth stopped in front of a refreshment table and giggled as Vivian tried to catch her breath.

Elizabeth:"I'm sorry, I just really wanted to ask you an important question."

Vivian:"What is it?"

Elizabeth:"Could I please, please, please, please be your maid of honor at your wedding?"

Vivian blushed lightly but smiled and have a nod.

Vivian:"Of course you can."

Elizabeth squealed and hugged Vivian who giggled an hugged back.

Voice:"Elizabeth darling.~"

Both let go of each other and looked as six girls approached them. Vivian stared at the girls as they all stood in front of Elizabeth who greeted them with a slight frown, remembering what they did at the christmas ball. Vivian blinked before her head suddenly started to hurt. Vivian looked at the girls who all giggled. She nearly collapsed onto her knees when one of the girls in a pale pink dress looked her way and said:

"What is she doing here and what's wrong with her?"

Elizabeth turned to Vivian and helped her sit in a chair nearby.

Elizabeth:"Are you alright Vivian?"

Vivian gave a small nod just as Kaisho, Micheala and Elizabeth's family walked over to their direction.

Kaisho:"Whys wrong Vivian?"

All six girls:"Lord Faith!"

They curtsied, but Kaisho ignored them and gently held Vivian's hand as she held her head.

One of the girls noticed and said:

"You know this peasant girl Lord Faith?"

Kaisho:"Of course I know her, she's my little sister."

All six:"WHAT?!"

They suddenly surrounded Vivian and gave smiles.

One girl:"W-We're very sorry for what we did at the christmas ball."

Another:"She's right, we feel very terrible about it."

Vivian continued to hold her head as she quickly stood up and ran off in a random direction.

Kaisho:"Vivian wait!"

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