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Two days later...

Vivian sat in her room as she replaced her kittens Moriko's bandages.

Vivian:"There... Done."

She picked up Moriko and began to stroke her chin causing the kitten to purr. There was a knock at her door as she placed Moriko down on a pillow.

Vivian:"Come in."

The door opened and Kimiko and Kaisho entered the room.

Kaisho:"Hey, how are you doing this evening?"

Vivian:"The same as usual, I have feeling in my legs again but still the same."

Kaisho:"That's good to hear. Now we have to get ready."

Vivian:"Ready for what?"

Kaisho:"The rest of our relatives are coming over to meet you. We need to get ready."

Vivian smiled and said:

"I can't wait!"

Kaisho placed Vivian down in her wheelchair and Kimiko began to push her wheelchair out of the room as Kaisho closed the door.


Vivian and Kaisho stood outside the mansion as a carriage pulled up in front of the mansion. The driver opened the door and a man with black hair and green eyes came out and then a woman with long brown hair and blue eyes came out. A girl with long black hair and blue eyes came right after. They stood in front of Kaisho and Vivian.

Kaisho:"Uncle Logan, Aunte Maria and Emma. Nice to see you all again."

Uncle Logan:"Ah, Kaisho. Look at you, you look jut like your old man."

He said as he gave Kaisho a family hug as his aunt Maria looked at Vivian and smiled.

Aunt Maria:"This must be our long lost niece Vivian."


Kaisho looked at Vivian before he turned his relatives and said:

"Yes... But..."

They looked at him and he whispered to them and they gasped before they looked back at Vivian.

Maria:"You poor dear, but at least your home safe and sound."

Vivian smiled before she looked at her cousin Emma who looked at her.

Emma:"Hello Vivian. I love your dress, it really brings out your eyes."

[Emma - Link:]

Vivian smiled and said:

"Thank you. I like your necklace."

Emma touched a rose crystal necklace around her neck and said:

"Thank you."

Kaisho:"They seem to be getting along just fine."

Maria looked at him and said:

"Have you discuss the arrangements with Vivian yet?"

Kaisho looked at her and said:

"No not yet, not with what has happened."

Maria:"She'll have to find out sooner or later. I have all ready arranged the meeting for next week."

Kaisho looked at her shocked and said:

"What? That's too soon!"

Vivian:"Would you all like to come in?"


They entered the house, leaving Kaisho alone outside shocked.


Kaisho:"This isn't good... Do you think I should tell my aunt that we should wait?"

He said looking at Kimiko who looked at him and said:

"It's your decision sir Kaisho."

Kaisho looked down before he entered the house.


Vivian opened the door to her room and she and Emma entered the room.

Emma:"Wow, this is a beautiful room."

Moriko opened her little eyes before she streached and said:


Emma:"Aww, how adorable!"

She said running over to the bed and picking up Moriko into her arms.

Vivian:"That's Moriko."

Moriko rubbed her little head against Emma's face and purred and both girls giggled.

In Kaisho's study...

Maria:"What do you mean you've changed your mind?"

She said as a butler poured them some tea.

Kaisho:"I don't think we should go threw with the arrangement. I have a feeling that... Vivian might already... Have someone.."

Maria smiled as she clapped her hands as she said:

"She does!!? Who is he, do we know him!? Is he a noble!?"


Logan:"Who is the young lad?"

He said taking a sip of his tea and Maria took her tea from the butler.

Kaisho:"Um... Ciel Phantomhive..."

Maria was about to take a sip when she heard Kaisho's answer and she dropped her tea cup and saucer.


Kaisho:"Just listen, I have know him for almost all my life. I think he's a fine suitor for my little sister."

Maria slammed her hand on the table next to her chair as she said:

"Absolutely Not!!! I believe Vivian deserves someone who isn't cold and heartless."

Kaisho:"(sigh) Aunt Maria, we have discussed this already. Ciel isn't like that, he's just troubled."

Maria:"I don't believe it. I think Vivian need someone else. Lord Phantomhive is out of the question."

Kaisho looked down at his tea before he sighed.

Kaisho:'I'm so sorry Vivian.'

(A/n:What's going to happen? Will Kaisho help Vivian remember Ciel?)

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