Memory or Nightmare?

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Night Time...

Vivian sat in her bedroom as she stared up at the night sky. She touch her chest close to her heart and thought:

'Why... Why does my heart hurt so much?'

She looked down at her lap as she felt tears in her eyes.

Vivian:'Why can't I stop thinking of Ciel?'

There was a knock at her door and she looked up.


The door opened and Kimiko walked in with a tray.

Kimiko:"Dinner is ready my lady."

Vivian:"Thank you Kimiko."

Kimiko placed her tray on a table in the room and walked over to Vivian and carried her to the table. Kimiko poured Vivian a cup of water and she looked at Vivian who was lost in thought.

Kimiko:"Is something wrong my lady?"

Vivian didn't respond as she continued to think of why she was hurting. Kimiko stared at Vivian as she clenched her hands on her lap. Kimiko reached over and placed her hand on Vivian's shoulder, pulling the young girl out of thought. Vivian looked up at Kimiko who was looking down at her with concerned eyes.

Kimiko:"Are you alright My Lady?"

Vivian looked down and said:

"I'm fine Kimiko."

Kimiko stared at her before she grabbed a nearby chair and sat down next to Vivian before she took her (Vivian) hands into her own.

Kimiko:"You can tell me anything my lady. When ever you feel troubled, you can come to me."

Vivian stared at her before she looked down and said:

"I'm just troubled is all..."

Kimiko:"What's the matter my lady?"

Vivian looked up at Kimimo with tears in her eyes.

Vivian:"My heart hurts whenever I think or see Ciel."

Kimiko:"Lord Phantomhive?"

Vivian:"Yes... My heart just hurts when I'm around him and I don't know why."

Kimiko stared at Vivian before she reached over and took the now crying girl into her arms.

Kimiko:"It's alright my lady, everything will be alright."

She said stroking the young girl's hair. After five minutes, Vivian began to eat her dinner as Kimiko excused herself.

At Phantomhive estate, In Ciel's study...

Ciel stared down at the handmade knitted scarf he got from Vivian. He didn't ecknowledge someone knocking at his door. After a minute, the door opened revealing Elizabeth.


Ciel didn't respond as he just stared down at the scarf in his lap. Elizabeth closed the door and Ciel finally looked up.

Ciel:"Elizabeth, I didn't hear you enter."

Elizabeth:"I can see that... Still upset about Vivian?"

Ciel looked down as Elizabeth smiled sadly at him.

Elizabeth:"You just need to give it some time Ciel. Vivian will remember you and then you both can go on picnics and do whatever you both like to do."

Ciel:"I just wish I could have done something. I feel like it's my fault she was shot by Truman."

Elizabeth:"It wasn't your fault Ciel. You couldn't have predict Truman to grab the policeman's gun and shoot Vivian."

Ciel didn't look up at her as she looked down too before she walked up to Ciel and hugged him.

Elizabeth:"It's ok Ciel."

Ciel sighed as he rested his head on Elizabeth's shoulder.

Next Morning...

Vivian sat in a chair in the garden as Kimiko watered the plants. Vivian looked up from her book and looked up at the sky before she spotted a small butterfly flying by.


She reached her hand up and the little butterfly landed on her finger. She stared at the small insects wings and smiled before it flew up and flew away. Vivian yawned a little before she closed her eyes for a little bit.


Vivian opened her eyes and looked around. She was in a messy bedroom filled with trash and broken objects. She looked around around before she looked down at the mattress she was sitting in.


She looked at the door as it flew open and a woman entered. She walked up to Vivian and slapped her across the face before she grabbed Vivian by the hair and dragged her into a hallway and down a flight of stairs.


The woman tossed Vivian to the ground and towered over her.

The woman:"Clean the floors and then the attic! Now!!!"

Vivian:"But... I just cleaned them."

The woman:"Then do it again! Or else!!"

Vivian looked down as the woman grabbed her arm and shoved her next to a bucket and scrubber. Vivian picked up the scrubber, dipped it into the bucket filled with water and soap and began to scrub the floors.


Vivian finished sweeping the attic before she began to dust all of the things around.


Vivian sat in her room as she tried to rest.

Vivian:"I wish I could get out of here."

Suddenly her bedroom door flew opened and she looked up. Five men entered her room. Vivian stood up and tried to back away as a man approached her as he said:

"It's that time again Vivian... But this time my friends want in on it."

He grabbed Vivian by her arm and shoved her in between the four other men. Vivian looked up as they all reached down to her. She closer her eyes and began to scream.

My Lady!

My Lady!

~End of Dream~

Vivian's eyes opened wide as she looked up at a frightened Kimiko who was towering over trying to wake her up.



Kimiko moved away from Vivian as they saw Kaisho running out of the house towards them with a butler and Michaela behind him.

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