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Kaisho sat in Ciel's library as he read a book he brought with him. There was a knock at the door and he looked up at the door.


The door opened and Sebastian entered wheeling in Vivian.

Vivian:"There you are!"

Kaisho smiled at her as he put down his book before he looked at Sebastian and glared at him. Sebastian smiled at Kaisho but glared back.

Kaisho:'Stay away from my little sister.'

Sebastian whispered:"Why would I stay away from someone who is like a daughter to me?"

Kaisho glared more before they heard:

"Onii-chan, want to go meet Ciel in his story with us?"

Kaisho looked at Vivian, smiled and said:

"No, it's ok... You go on ahead."

Vivian smiled before she turned her wheelchair and exit the room, leaving Kaisho and Sebastian alone. Kaisho looked at Sebastian and glared.

Sebastian:"Do you always glare at everyone you meet?"

Kaisho:"Only if that person is a disgusting demon."

Sebastian chuckled and said:

"Not a surprised to hear you say that."

Kaisho stood up and stomped up to Sebastian and grabbed his collar and said:

"Stay away from my little sister. I don't want her around something like you?"

Sebastian:"Afraid her innocent pure little soul will be stained?"

Kaisho glared at him before shoving Sebastian back and wiping his hand. Kaisho moved away from Sebastian and walked out of the library as Sebastian turned to him and smiled as he fixed his right hand glove with his teeth.

With Vivian and Ciel...

Ciel sat in his study when he heard a knock at his door.


The door opened and Vivian wheeled her wheelchair in.

Vivian:"Hello Ciel."

Ciel looked at her and smiled as she wheeled her wheelchair into the room and closed the door. She moved closer to Ciel's desk as she said:

"You don't mind if I keep you company... Do you?"

Ciel:"No, not at all."

Vivian smiled as Ciel pulled out a deck of cards.

Ciel:"Care to have a friendly game wth me?"

Vivian:"Um... Sure."

Ciel shuffled the card before he handed five to Vivian and got five for himself.


Vivian placed her hand down and said:

"I win."

Ciel stared at her hand and then looked at her and said:

"How do you do that. That's the eighth time you've won."

Vivian:"I have no idea. I don't even know how to play and yet I still win."

She said with a smile as Ciel packed up the cards and pulled out a chest board.

Ten minutes later...

Ciel:Check mate."

Vivian:"And you win."

She said smiling. Ciel stared at her causing her to blush a little.

Vivian:"W-Why are you staring at me?"

Ciel blushed and said:

"I-I'm sorry... I just couldn't help it..."

Vivian looked at him as she blushed a little more.

Vivian:"What do you mean?"

Ciel looked at her as his blush deepened before he stood up and walked over to her. He kneeled down in front of her and hugged her. Vivian looked at him as he hait held her in his arms.


Ciel held her for a few minutes before he let go of her and walked out of the study, leaving Vivian alone in the study. Vivian looked down at her lap as she held her hands to her chest.

Vivian:'What's wrong with me? Why does my heart hurt?'

She thought to herself as she felt tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

With Ciel...

Ciel stood in the hallway as he held his right hand in a fist close to his chest.

Ciel:'Why? Why did this have to happen? Can't I ever be allowed to be happy?'

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