Saving Vivian

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Kaisho:"So an angel kidnapped my sister!?"

Undertaker:"(chuckling) It would appear so."

Ciel stared at the floor as he clenched his hands into fists. Grell ran up to Undertaker and began to shake him uncontrollably as he yelled:


Sebastian pulled Undertaker from Grell who tried to tackle him only to fall to the ground.

Sebastian:"Do you happen to know where this angel took Miss.Vivian?"

Undertaker:"Sorry, but that's all I know."

Later, With Vivian...

Vivian opened her eyes as she woke up. She looked down at her cut legs, arms and part of her body.

She looked around but didn't see Ash anywhere. She looked out at the opening of Big Ben and saw the sun was setting.

Vivian:'Someone... Help...'

Voice:"Keep trying... No one will find you."

She looked up and saw Ash floating down towards her. He landed in front of her and smiled.

Vivian:"P-Please... Let me go..."

Ash:"I'm sorry... But knowing what you have done.. I can't."

Vivian began to weep as tears rolled down her face. She closed her eyes as she began to cry.

Vivian:'Onii-chan... Anyone help me... Ciel...'

With Everyone...

'Onii-chan... Anyone help me... Ciel...'

Ciel gasped as he looked out the window and saw it began to rain. Elizabeth looked and saw the rain.

Elizabeth:"Look, it's raining."

'Help Me!!!!'

Ciel quickly ran out of the store and everyone stood there surprised.

Kaisho:"Where'e he going?"

They all exit the store and ran after Ciel.

With Vivian...

Vivian slowly lifted her head as she spit out some blood. She looked around as she tried to ignore the pain from her body.


With Ciel...


Ciel continued to run as he was closing in on where Vivian was. He stopped in his tracks and he found himself in front of Big Ben. Ciel cupped his hands to his mouth and shouted:

"Vivian!! Vivian!! Are you there!!?!"

With Vivian...

"Vivian!! Vivian!! Are you there!!?!"

Vivian gasped as she heard someone calling her.

Vivian:'I'm up here! Help me!!'

With Ciel...

'I'm up here! Help me!!'

Ciel quickly ran into Big Ben and Kaisho, Sebastian, and everyone ran after him.

Top of Big Ben...

Ciel kicked open the door and looked around before his eyes landed on Vivian who was badly beaten and still tied up to the cross.


He ran over to Vivian as Kaisho and everyone entered the room. Kaisho looked and smiled as he ran up to Vivian and began to help Ciel untie Vivian.

Kaisho:"I'm glade your alright Vivian."

Vivian looked at them and smiled before she fell fell into Ciel's arms after they untied the ropes. Vivian hugged Ciel weakly as he hugged her.

Ciel:"Let's her out of here."

He said to Kaisho as he picked Vivian up bridal style. Vivian looked up at him and smiled before she fell asleep. They ran up to the others and Elizabeth said:

"Is she alright?"

Ciel:"She's fine, she just needs to rest."

Grell:"Good, now let's get out of here."

Voice:"I'm afraid I can't let you take her with you."

They looked around before Sebastian jumped in front of Ciel and Kaisho and began to block feathers that were being shot at them like daggers. The attacked stopped and they heard laughter.

Ciel:"Show yourself!!"

They looked around before Ash appeared in front of them.

Ciel:"I should have know it be you."

Ash:"It's a pleaser to see you again as well Lord Phantomhive."

Ash's eyes wondered to Kaisho who was glaring at him.

Ash:"Hello Kaisho."

Kaisho:"You! You did this to my little sister!!"

Ash smiled as he began to walk up to them as he said:

"It's been so long."

Kaisho:"I liked it better when I didn't see you."

Ash:"Say what ever you like. I'm here on important busyness."

Elizabeth held on tightly to Paula as Sebastian said:

"And what would that be?"

Ash:"I've come to kill tw impure one."

He said pointing to Vivian.

Maria:"What!? Why!!?"

Ash smirked and said:

"Let's just say, she committed one of the biggest Sin any Angel could have commited."

Elizabeth:"What could that have been?"

Ash:"She fell in love with a demon."

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