Broken Hope

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One month later...

Vivian stared out the window in her mansion as she waited for her aunt to arrive.

Voice:"Vivian, sitting by the window isn't going to make Aunt Maria arrive faster."

She looked at Kaisho who sat with everyone else on the couches. Vivian looked down at her lap before she stood up from her chair and walked over to them and sat down next to Ciel.

(A/n:It's been 3 months now and Vivian can finally walk again.)

Vivian:"I hope this works."

Michaela:"I'm sure it will, don't be so nervous."

Vivian sqeezed her hands and she gripped her light blue dress tighter. Ciel looked at her and smiled a little before Kaisho said:

"Let try to think positive. Maybe Aunt Maria will see her error and will break the engagement off."

Vivian:'I hope so...'

They heard a carriage stop outside before the door opened and Maria entered the mansion. But she wasn't alone, Aidan entered with her with a smirk on his face. His eyes scanned the room before they landed on Vivian who glared at him with hate in every fiber of her being. Maria looked at Vivian and smiled before she frowned when she saw Ciel.

Emma:"Welcome home Mother."

Maria and Aidan walked over to the couches as Kimiko began to pour Maria a cup of tea. Aidan sat down next to Vivian and wrapped his arm around her causing her to swat it away. Aidan smiled before Moriko began to hiss at him. Aidan glared at the kitten who hissed at him again before jumping in Ciel's lap and falling asleep.

Maria:"So, you wanted to see me dear?"

She said looking at Vivian before she took a sip of her tea. Vivian looked at her before she clenched her hands again and said:

"Yes... I... I can't go threw with the engagement."

Maria looked at her and said:

"Well of course you do honey."

Vivian:"No... I don't..."

Maria looked at her before she placed her tea down as said:

"Why don't you, Aidan is a wonderful person. He will take good care of you."

Elizabeth leaned closer to Michaela and whispered:

"That's what we're afraid of..."

Vivian:"I... I just don't think I should go threw with it Aunt Maria... I just don't have feelings for him."

Maria stared at her before she looked at Ciel and glared.

Maria:"What have you done to my niece?"

Ciel stayed the same without saying anything. Vivian looked down as she blushed.

Vivian:"I... I just don't wish to be with Aidan... Considering all the bad things he has done."

Kaisho looked at her and said:

"What do you mean Vivian?"

Michaela looked at Elizabeth and Kimiko who both looked at her.

Michaela:"May I say something?"

Everyone looked at her as she stood up and said:

"I do not think Aidan has the right to be Vivian's husband. He's a dirty liar and he... He tried to kiss me once... In Kaisho's library."

Kaisho quickly stood up and yelled:


Aidan quickly stood up as well and yelled:

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