Tortured and Running away

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Vivian was harshly pulled into her home by Truman.

Truman:"Get in here you worthless trash!"

Magnolia closed the door and locked it as Truman shoved Vivian to the ground. Vivian shook in fear as they towered over her.

Vivian:"I... I... I'm sorry...."

Truman reached over an grabbed Vivian by the neck and pulled her up to her feet before shoving her to the stairs.


Vivian teared up and she slowly crawled up the stairs and headed to the second floor to clean.

One Month Later...

Vivian sat in her bedroom as she stared at her lap. She teared up and hugged her brused legs as she cried herself to sleep.

Vivian:"I... I hate this... I... I want to be with Ciel..."

She stopped sobbing when she heard her bedroom door open. She slowly looked up before she screamed as she was grabbed by her hair by Truman.

Hours Later...

The doorbell to the house rang. Truman answered the door and found Vincent, Rachel and Ciel standing on the other side. Ciel held a small gift in her arms as he had a smile on his face.

Truman:"Can I help you?"

Vincent:"We're here to see Vivian. Our son wishes to tell her something."

Ciel:"I got her a present sir."

He held the gift up and Truman blinked.

Truman:"Oh, I'm sorry but Vivian isn't feeling very well. She can down with a terrible illness."

Rachel:"Oh dear, is she alright?"

Truman:"She's be fine, she just needs to rest."

Ciel looked down sadly before holding the gift up.

Ciel:"Could you please give this to here then sir, as a get well soon gift."

Truman smiled and gently took the gift.

Truman:"Of course."

Vincent, Rachel and Ciel left and waved good bye as Truman closed the door. He walked over to a small black oven and opened the lid before tossing the gift into the fire. Truman smirked and close the door before walking up the stairs.

Vivian's room...

Vivian layed on her bed tired and in pain. Her whole body was in pain after Truman and Magnolia had beat here fifty times in the last month.

Vivian:'Ciel... Help me...'

Truman barged into the room with his hand behind his back.

Truman:"Get up..."

Vivian didnt budge and Truman raised his voice.

Truman:"I said get up!"

Vivian flinched slightly before she slowly sat up. She looked up at him and he smirked.

Truman:"Your pathetic."

He held his hand out holding a old bunny doll in his hand.

Truman:"Recognize this?"

Vivian gasp as she recognized the doll and she tried to reach over to grab it. Truman pulled the doll away and grabbed onto the toy's legs and it's ears before ripping the head off the body. He tossed Vivian the body before ripping the right ear of the head. Vivian held the bunny doll head close as Truman tossed the remaining body parts to her.

Truman:"Let that be a lesson, next time you don't listen the first time. That toy will be you."

He laughed to himself and left the room. Vivian looked at the bunny doll in her arms. She slowly stood up and limped over to a corner. She searches threw the small bits of trash and found a slightly broken sewing needle and a few pieces of thread. She carfully tried to fix the doll but could only manage to do so much. After she finished, she held the doll close and cried.

One Week later...

Ciel stood outside the home with his parents as they came to see Vivian.

Ciel:"Is Vivian feeling any better?"

Truman:"Sadly no, but I'll tell her you stopped by."

Ciel looked down at his feet sadly.


Truman closed the door and grabbed at the Phantomhive family from the window as they headed back to their carriage.

Magnolia:"This is getting out of hand. We need to somehow stop them from coming here ever again."

Truman:"Dont worry, just might have an idea."

Magnolia looked up at him as he looked at her and smirked.

The next day...

Vincent and Ciel walked up the steps as Ciel smiled to himself as he held a small flower in his hands.

Ciel:"I hope we can see Vivan today."

Vincent smiled an rang the doorbell. Truman answered the door and looked at them.

Vincent:"We're here to see Vivian."

Truman looked down and shook his head.

Truman:"I'm sorry... She's no longer here..."

Ciel's eyes widen as he dropped the flower.

Vincent:"What do you mean?"

Truman:"She's... She's dead... Her illness was more serious then we though..."

Ciel looked down at his feet and grab to tear up.

Vincent:"I... I'm sorry for your lost."

Truman:"Please.. Please just, don't come here again. Seeing your son reminds me of my daughter."

He looked down and teared up as Vincent gently picked Ciel up.

Ciel:"I... I'm sorry..."

Vincent:"As am I, my condolences Sir."

Vincent walked down the steps and walked away with Ciel crying into his shoulder. Truman slowly looked up and smirked as he entered the house and closed the door.

Night time...

Truman sighed to himself as he exit Vivian's bedroom. He turned back to the passed out little girl and smirked as he closed the door behind himself, unknowing that he forgot to lock it shut. Minutes later, Vivian slowly woke up and looked out the window. She stared as it began to rain outside. Vivian slowly sat up and looked at the door. She saw it was left open slightly. Vivian slowly stood up and limped over to the door. She quietly opened it and looked down the hallway before limping down the hall, down the staircase and out the front door.

Vivian:"I... I gotta go... I gotta go see... Ciel..."

She slowly limped to the Phantomhive mansion. Vivian way three blocks away from the mansion when she spotted Ciel, Vincent and Rachel walking with their family dog Sebastian. Vivian smiled to herself and held her bunny doll close as she limped over.

Vivian:"Ciel! Sebastian! Lady Rachel! Sir Vincent!"

The Phantomhive family stopped in their tracks and Ciel quicky turned around at the sound of the voice but didnt see anyone. Both his parents turned around and looked around the street.

Vincent:"That voice...?

Rachel:"Could it have been...?"


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