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Ciel sat in his study as he stared at the flower he saved that Vivian gave him. He gently stroked the flower petals before he study door was slammed opened.


He closed the book and looked at her as Paula and Kimiko ran inside the study.

Ciel:"What's wrong?"

Elizabeth:"Vivian's been kidnapped!"

Ciel:"What!? What do you mean kidnapped!!?!"

Elizabeth:"We were on our way from shopping when she noticed a man in an alley. She ordered the carriage to stop and she got out. She went up to the man and handed him some money only for him to grab her wrist. I tried to help her when the we all got knocked out, when we came too she was gone!"

Ciel:"What about the man, maybe he took her."

Kimiko:"No, he was still out cold when we came too."

Ciel's eyes wondered to the book on his desk as he tried to think of something.


The door opened and Sebastian casually walked into the room.

Sebastian:"Yes my lord?"

Ciel:"Call Kaisho and informed of what happened."

Sebastian bowed and said:

"Right away my lord."

He exit the room as Elizabeth began to weep.

Elizabeth:"I'm so sorry Ciel... It's... (sob) all my fault... (sob)..."

Kimiko:"It's alright lady Elizabeth. My lady would never blame you."

Ciel looked back at the book as Paula hugged Elizabeth close.


Time skip...

Kaisho barged into the room with Michaela, Emma, Maria and Logan behind him.

Kaisho:"What happen-"


She pushed pass Kaisho and grabbed Ciel by the neck and pinned him to the window behind him.

Maria:"Where is my niece!?"

Elizabeth shivered in fear in Paula's arms as Kaisho said:

"Aunt Maria! Let him go!!"

Maria:"Silence! Now, where is she!!!?!"

Ciel:"(choking) I... (choking) Don't know..."

Kaisho and Logan ran up to Maria and pulled her back and she let go of Ciel who slided down to the ground as he gasped for air and rubbed his neck. Michaela ran up to his side and placed her hand on his shoulder.

Michaela:"Are you alright young Phantomhive?"

Ciel:"Yes... (breathing)... I'm alright."

Maria:"Let me go! Let me go! He knows where she is!! He knows!!"

Kaisho:"No he doesn't!! Calm down!!!"

He let go of her as she began to calm down.

Elizabeth:"Why? Why is she blaming Ciel?"

Kimiko rubbed her back as Kaisho said to Ciel:

"What are we going to do!?"

Maria:"I can tell you what!! Kill the demon and we get Vivian back!!"

She yelled as she tried to run up to Ciel as Logan held her back. Ciel's eye turned demonic as he yelled:

"I did nothing!! I would never hurt Vivian!"

Elizabeth gasped as she saw Ciel's eye change from it's usual blue color. Kaisho stood between Ciel and his aunt and said:

"Enough, fighting each other won't help us locate Vivian!"

Maria pulled away from Logan and crossed her arms and Ciel looked away as his eye changed back to blue.

Kaisho:"Ok... Now, what happened?"

Elizabeth:"Vivian and I were just making our way home from shopping when she spotted a homeless man. She tried to offer him some money for food when he grabbed her arm. He held a knife to her neck and we tried to save her. She bit the man's hand and when he tried to grab her again someone knock him out. They next thing we know was, we were out cold too. When we regain consciousness, we found Vivian gone."

Ciel stood up and said:

"Show us where."

With Vivian...

Vivian slowly opened her eyes and looked around. Her vision was a little blury because of the light hitting her eyes. She blinked multiple times before her eyes managed to make out white feathers on the ground in front of her. She looked around, there were big gears turning and spinning all around her. She looked to her left before her eyes noticed her arms tied up to a post. She looked closer and saw she was tied up to wooden cross.

Vivian:"What the?"

Voice:"Glade to see your finally awake."

She looked around before the cloaked figure that kidnapped her jumped out of nowhere.

Vivian:"W-Where am I?"

The figure walked up to her and touched her chin.

The figure:"Your inside of Big Ben."

Vivian:"W-Who are you?"

The figure stared at her before they stepped away and removed the hood on their head. Revealing a pale man with white hair and amethyst eyes.

The man:"I am just like you, but you can call me Ash Landers."

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