Strange Behavior & The Surprise

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Vivian gently knocked on Ciel's study door.

Voice:"Come in."

Vivian opened the door and looked inside the study as Ciel sat at his chair reading a newspaper. He looked up at her before he looked back down at his paper.

Vivian:"Hey, you want to play a game or go out to the garden?"

Ciel placed his paper down and stood up. He walked up to the door as he said:

"I'm sorry... But I have important paper work I must attend to. Maybe later."

Vivian:"Oh... Well, ok. Later then."

She exit the room and Ciel closed the door.

Ciel:'I'm sorry Vivian...'

With Vivian...

Vivian:"That was weird, Ciel always wants to play a game even in the middle of work sometimes. Oh well, maybe Kimiko and I could go out into town!"

She began to make her way to her room. She opened the door as Kimiko arranged some flowers in a vase to brighten the room.


Kimiko looked at her and she looked a little nervouse.

Kimiko:"Y-Yes my l-lady?"

Vivian:'Weird, Kimiko never stutters...'

Vivian:"I wanted to ask you if you'd like to go out into town with me. Maybe we can go shopping or something."

Kimiko looked around nervously as if she was in trouble.

Kimiko:"I-I'm sorry my lady... But I... I must... Help May-Rin clean the attic!"

Vivian stared at her as she began to sweat raptly. Kimiko swallowed hard before she quickly ran out of the room as Vivian watched dumbfounded.

Vivian(😓):"O... K... That was weird."

In the kitchen...

Baldroy:"Ok, so Sebastian told us that The Master does not want us to speak any of this to Lady Vivian."

Finny:"Alright... We can do that!"

May-Rin:"Oh dear... I don't know... I don't feel very comfortable keeping secrets for Lady Vivian."

Baldroy:"We have too... Or else we'll be fired!"

Finny:"Just remember, not a word to Lady Vivian."

Voice:"What do you mean?"

They screamed as they saw Vivian in the doorway that led to the kitchen.

May-Rin:"Oh Dear! Oh Dear! Oh Dear! Oh Dear! Oh Dear!!!!"

Both Baldroy and Finny covered her mouth as she began to thrash her arms in all directions.

Finny:"Lady Vivian... How nice to see you here..."

Vivian:"I've been allowed to stay here until my brother returns from his meeting... And May-Rin, I thought you and Kimiko were suppose to be cleaning the attic."

Baldroy:"But we don't have an-"

Finny cover his mouth and said:

"Why yes... She is... She was actually on her way now.... And we'll be helping too! Come on let's go!"

All three of them ran out of the kitchen and Vivian watched.

Vivian:"What's with everyone today?"

In Ciel's Study...

Baldroy:"We're sorry Master... We almost let the surprise slip out."

Ciel sighed as he squeezed the bridge of his nose.

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