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Vivian sat in her bedroom as she read a book she got from her brother's study.

In the Garden...

Kaisho:"Ash is behind this!!!"

Elizabeth:"What do you mean."

Emma:"Last week, when he removed that feather from Vivian he must have removed all of Vivian's memory of Lord Phantomhive."

Alois:"In other words Vivian won't recall ever meeting Ciel."

Kaisho looked down at the table before he slammed his fists on the table causing both Emma and Elizabeth to flinch. Ciel stared down at his lap as he squeezed his hands in anger. Emma stared at him before she looked back down at the book she was reading.

Sebastian:"Isn't there something we can do?"

Logan:"I'm afraid not, if Vivian is somehow able to remember all on her own then there's no need to worry..."

Kaisho:"But sadly that has never happened so there is nothing we can do."

Elizabeth and Alois looked at each other before they turned to Ciel who continued to stare down at his hands. They couldn't tell his expression because his hair was covering his eyes and part of his face.

Later, With Vivian...

Vivian closed the book as she finished reading. She wheeled her wheelchair over to her bedroom door and exit the room.

Kaisho's study...

Vivian opened the door and went over to the small empty space where she got the book. She placed the book back before she began to scan the shelfs for another one. Her eyes landed on a deep blue hard cover one on the third shelf to the top. She reached up but couldn't reach it.

Vivian:'Hmm... Should I call someone?... No, I have to do this!'

She lifted herself up with her arms as she tried to reach for the book. Her finger tips rubbed against the bottom half and she managed to pull the book out a little.


She pushed herself a little and she slipped before the book fell out of the shelf along with seven others. Vivian fell to the ground and the books fell on her.


Everyone sat in the garden before they heard a noise come from Kaisho's study.

Elizabeth:"What was that?"

Kaisho:"Sounds like it came from my study."

They all got up and ran inside the mansion.

In the Study...

Vivian stuck her head out of the pile of books as a book sat on her head.

Vivian:"Ow... That hurt."

She looked around at the books around her as she said:

"I am in so much trouble."

She looked from the corner of her eye and noticed something about one of the books that fell on her. It wasn't a book but a secret compartment. She looked closer and saw something sticking out. She reached over and took the fake book and opened it. Inside laid a silver gun.

Vivian:'What the?'

She reached in and took the gun into her hands and looked around. It had and engraving on the bottom of the handle.

For Vivian, from Mother & Father

Vivian:'This is for me?'

Suddenly the study door slammed open. Vivian looked and saw Kaisho, Elizabeth, Alois, Ciel, And everyone.

Kaisho:"What happened in here!?!"

Vivian:"I-I uh... I was..."

Kaisho's eyes landed on the gun in Vivian's hands and he yelled:

"Give me that!!"

He yanked the gun from her hands and grabbed the fake books case. Elizabeth and Alois helped Vivian up back into her wheelchair as Kaisho placed the gun back into it's hiding spot.

Vivian:"Is that gun-?"

Kaisho:"Don't touch this!"

Vivian flinched as she said:

"I-I'm sorry... I-I didn't..."

Kaisho:"Don't you ever touch this again! I don't want you anywhere near it!!"

Vivian clenched her hands together as Elizabeth hugged her.

Alois:"Kaisho, it wasn't Vivian's fault. She didn't mean to find that gun."

Kaisho turned away as he walked up to his desk and opened a drawer. He placed the gun case inside the drawer before he closed the drawer and locked it.

Sebastian, Claude and Kimiko put the books back as Vivian began to weep. Kaisho sighed as he said:

"Could you all please excuse us, I need to talk to Vivian."

Everyone exit the room as Kaisho walked up to Vivian. He kneeled down in front of her wheelchair and she looked at him. He smiled sadly as he gently wiped away her tears and said:

"I'm so sorry I yelled at you Vivian. I didn't mean to."

Vivian smiled sadly as she wiped her tears away.

Vivian:"Why did you get mad at me?"

Kaisho sighed as he said:

"I'm sorry. I just didn't want you to find that gun."

Vivian:"Why not? I saw it had an engraving with my name on it."

Kaisho:"Um... That gun... Is a family heirloom and it's ment to be yours... I just didn't want you to know about it until you were older."

Vivian looke down at her lap as Kaisho gently patted her head.

Vivian:"I'm sorry..."

Kaisho chuckled as he said:

"It's ok, just promise me you won't do anything like that again."

Vivian smiled up at him and said:


Kaisho smiled as he walked up behind Vivian's wheelchair and wheeled her wheelchair out if the study as they exit the room.


Vivian laid in her bedroom as she stared up at the ceiling. There was a knock at her door.

Vivian:"Come in."

The door opened and Kaisho entered the room. Vivian sat up as he walked up to her with gun case in his hands.

Vivian:"Is something wrong?"

Kaisho:"Nothing is wrong, I just though you should rightfully have this."

Vivian:"Why? You told me at dinner that I shouldn't have it until I'm sixteen."

Kaisho:"I know what I said but... I think it's for the best you should have it for safety."

Vivian looked down at the case before she smiled as Kaisho handed it to her. She looked down at the case in her hands before she looked up at Kaisho and said:

"Thank you, I promise I will take good care of it."

Kaisho smiled as he wrapped her into an embrace. Vivian hugged him back before Kaisho said:

"There is something you should know about this gun. It's a special type of gun. It can hurt angel's like the gun Ash has."

Vivian:"It can hurt Angels!?"

Kaisho:"Yes, this gun was used by our father and all of our grandfathers before him. They called it 'Holy Judgment'."

(A/n:Lame name, I'm so sorry.)


She looked back down at the case in her hands as she though about all those who used it before her.

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