Lost Memories Part II

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(A/n:Pretend the little girl in the picture is Vivian with White hair and blue eyes.)


Vivian sat next to trashcans as she hugged herself a little more as the cold winter air hit her harder then before. Her eyes landed on a can in front of her as she looked down at the little money in it.

Vivian:'Only eight coins... Mommy and Daddy will be mad if I don't return home with more...'

She thought as she reached down and rubbed her freezing feet. She looked forward and look at all the people walking pass her laughing and smiling to themselves. She looked across the street as a little girl her age ran up to a toy store and she was followed by a man and woman. The girl looked up at the man and woman with a smile on her face and they disappeared into the store. Vivian felt tears in her eyes when she saw them exit the store a minute later and the girl held a doll in her arms. Vivian looked down as the tears rolled down her face. She wiped her tears away just as a man stopped in front of her and dropped two coins into her can before he continued to walk. Vivian looked up at the night sky as she continued to rub her feet. She looked just as the lights in some stores turned off. She slowly stood up and picked up the can into her arms.


"Only Ten coins!!?"

Vivian fell to the ground after her mom slapped her across the face. Vivian looked up at her mom who held all ten coins in her hands. Vivian reached for her cheek that stung when she touched it before she heard:

"Go back out there and don't come back without more money!!"

She felt someone behind her grab her by her hair, shoved the can to her stomach causing her pain and she was pushed out of the house. She laid on the ground in pain before she slowly crawled back to the the alley.

In the Alley, Later...

Vivian stared down at her feet before she looked up at all the people walking by. She looked down at a can nearby and looked at some money she had. She sat there in the alley for what seemed like hours before she fell asleep a little before she felt something sniffing her. She looked and saw a big dog in front of her. She reached over and gently pet the dog on the snout before a boy appeared behind the dog. The boy had blue blackish hair and blue eyes. He petted the dog and said:

"Don't run off like that Sebastian."

He looked at Vivian and smiled.

The boy:"Hi... Your so cute."

Vivian felt herself blush before she smiled a little. She looked away as she looked down at her feet.


The boy:"My name is Ciel Phantomhive. What's your name?"

Vivian looked up at him and said:


Ciel smiled as he said:

"Wow, cute. Right Sebastian?"


Blushing deeply Vivian looked down at her freezing feet. She blew into her hands to warm them up and began to rub them together before she rubbed her feet. Ciel tilted his head before he said:

"Are you cold?"

He stared at her for a minute before he removed his deep blue coat and placed it on Vivian's shoulders.

Vivian:"N-N-No, it's ok."


He moved back as Vivian looked down at the blue coat before she looked down at her feet as her dirty grayish hair covered her face.

Vivian:"T-Thank you."

Ciel:"What are you doing out here in the cold? Dont you have a Mama and Papa?"

Vivian didn't look up as she just stared at her feet and remain quiet.

Ciel:"Oh... I'm... I'm sorry..."

He looked down before Sebastian looked from him to Vivian. Ciel looked at the dog who nudged his arm causing the little boy to smile.

Ciel:"I know!"

Vivian looked up at him as he walked over to her. The next thing she knew he was carrying her bridal-style. Vivian blushed as she looked up at him as he began to carry her out of the alley and into the streets.

Vivian:"P-P-Please... P-Put me d-down..."

Ciel:"Come on, you can live with me at my house."

Ciel ran threw the street before his eyes landed on a man and woman a few feet away.

Ciel:"Mama! Papa!"

Both the man and woman turned around and looked at Ciel with relieved smiles. The woman ran up to him and kneeled down to his size and said:

"Ciel please don't run off like that. You have us a fright."

Ciel:"I'm sorry Mama. But look, I found a friend!"

He said smiling as Vivian blushed and tried to hide her face. Ciel's mother Rachel and his father Vincent looked at Vivian who slowly looked up at them before she tried to hide her face in Ciel's chest.

Rachel:"Aww~ The poor child is shy. How adorable."

Vincent:"Where did you find her Son?"

Ciel:"In an alley, cold and alone. Can we keep her!"

Vincent and Rachel looked at each other before Rachel reached over and gently took Vivian into her arms and craddled her. Vivian slowly looked up and stared at both Rachel and Vincent who smiled at her.

Vincent:"It's ok little one, no one will harm you."

He said slowly reaching over to touch her face causing her to flinch a little. He stopped and stared at her as she looked at him like a scared puppy before he tried again and gently touched her face. Vivian looke at him before she slowly reached up and touched his hand with her smaller ones.

Rachel:"Poor child must be horrifically abused."


Vivian flinched again as all four of them looked and saw Magnolia walking up to them. Rachel gently placed Vivian down who slowly removed Ciel's coat and handed it back to him before she slowly walked over to her angry mother.

Magnolia:"What do you think you are doing!?"

Vivian looked down and said:

"I-I... I..."

She stopped when Magnolia slapped her across the face, knocking her to the ground. Vivian looked up at Magnolia who raised her hand up again. Vivian closed her eyes as she waited.

Voice:"Leave my friend alone!"

Vivian looked and saw Ciel standing in between her and Magnolia with his arms raised in a protective manner.

Magnolia:"Get out of my way you little brat!"

Rachel:"Excuse me, but my son is not a brat!"

Magnolia:"Stay out of this!"

Vincent:"Excuse us but you have no right to slap an innocent child!"

Magnolia:"I am her mother so I have the right to do whatever I please."

She said walking up to Vivian, grabbing her by the wrist and yanking her away. Vivian looked back at Ciel, Vincent and Rachel and saw Ciel with sad eyes.

Vivian:'I-I'm sorry...'

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