Second Chances (2nd book of Contest Winner)

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Three years. It has been three years since I have seen Harry Styles. Or any of the boys for that matter. Or Naomi. Or even my own daughter Darcy.

I miss Darcy every day of my life. I regret giving her up three years ago. At the time though I was upset about Harry and she just reminded me so much about him. I'm not saying that gave me the right to just drop her off on my best friends steps outside, but.....

Well anyway Tyler is the one who pressured me into making the choice. I hate myself for listening to him that morning.

He is now my fiancé though. Yep that's right I am engaged. I am a twenty-one year old who is a full blown actress and is engaged to a club owner. Well a chain club owner I guess.

After Tyler and I moved up here to California he decided to build his own club. Now 'Old Spice' Is the top club in the U.S. and has a different one on every other street.

I have one week left on my set before my contract with my company is over. Then I get to be free again.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" I hear a small voice call for me.

"Coming Wiley!" I yell back. I go into the living room to find Wiley sitting criss-cross right in front of the Tv. "What's wrong little man?" I asked.

"Ninja turtles turned off." He whined. "Tan you play them again?"

"Sure sweetheart." I smiled.

"Thant you mommy." He smiled. Then he focused his attention back on his action figures he had spread over the entire floor.

He will be four in two weeks. His vocabulary for a four year old is amazing though. He is home schooled, but since I'm on set most of the time I hire a woman to teach him.

She says he is a extremely brilliant child. Which actually wasn't that bizarre to me. His father is actually a genius. Harry may be stupid sometimes but when he puts his mind to it he is one of the smartest men I know. I mean he was going to be a lawyer before he was in One Direction.

Wiley has troubles says his 'k' and 'c' sounds though, so instead he puts a 't' sound in it's place for some reason.

Wiley's teacher is also his sitter. Sometimes they allow Brenda, his sitter, to bring him to my work and he gets to watch me. Those are some of the days I love the most.

Wiley is obsessed with Ninja turtles, superheroes, power rangers, and cars. I don't really understand the car thing though because neither Harry not Tyler are interested in cars that much. Plus I have no idea about anything having to do with a car. Maybe it is just a phase all boys go through.

"Mommy?" Wiley asked.

"Yes sweetheart?" I asked trying to pick up some of his toys in the floor that he wasn't playing with.

"Why don't a have a brother or sista?" He asked.

"Well because Tyler and I are not married yet. We want to wait and have more children after we are married."

"But you had me before you were married didn't you?" He asked with a confused look on his face.

"It's more complicated than that Wiley." I said standing up.

"When will daddy be home?" He asked.

"Tyler will be home for supper Wiley."

"When is supper mommy?" He asked.

"As soon as I make it."

"When will you mate it?"

"I'm about to make it right now Wiley."

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