Chapter Seventeen

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The third period just ended. I haven't been able to stop smiling ever since he proposed to me. Like it doesn't even seem real. I remember the time we got in a huge fight because he thought marriage was stupid and pointless.

Five years ago he would not have even thought about agreeing to this. He was against everything that had to do with this.

And now here we are. Five years later.

Five years ago if you would have told me 'five years down the road you and Harry Styles are going to be engaged' I would have probably laughed in your face.

We were in the locker room with the players now. I can't believe I also get to meet the team. The gave me my own autographed jersey, that the whole team signed, which Harry had printed the name 'Styles' on the back. Then it had the number 13 because it's my lucky number.

I put it on over my sweater. It was a tad large so it looked sort of tacky. But all the guys started wolf whistling when I put it on, and I started blushing.

They were all extremely nice guys. Some of them were very large though. Harry didn't say anything while I talked to the players. He just sat back and observed me. Every time I would look back at him he had a huge smile plastered on his face.

About twenty or so minutes went by when we finally told everyone bye and left the arena. As we were walking out I stopped Harry though. I stopped my movement which made him jerk back a tad because we were holding hands.

I started giggling at his reaction and he turned to face me. "What's wrong?" he asked confused.

"Nothing." I replied.

"Then why did we stop?"

"I have a question." I replied sort of childish while rocking back on forth on my heels.


"Can we take another picture?"

"Ugh Charlsie do we have to?" He groaned.

"This is a special night we need to be able to look back at it someday." I pleaded.

"We already took pictures together earlier though." He whined.

"But that was before the proposal. Now we are engaged. Which means we need more pictures."

" But I....." He started to protest further. I took a step towards him and stood on my tip toes. I ran my hands slowly up his chest.

"Please." I begged.

"Char....." he began again. I started leaving soft wet kisses down his neck. "Charlie we are in p-public." He stuttered.

"That never stopped us before." I mumbled into his skin. "Besides if we don't take a picture then someone else will. Then it will get out that I'm a whore and you could do so much better tha....."

"Okay. Okay. Stop." He interrupted me. "I will take a damn picture." He groaned.

"Thank you baby." I smirked before leaving a small peck to his lips. Then I turned around and went up to this older woman. "Excuse miss umm I don't mean to bother you but is there any change you could take a picture of me and my fiancé please?" I asked.

She looked to be around 40 or so so she wasn't that old at all actually. "Well of course I can." She smiled.

"Thank you so much!" I beamed and handed her my cell phone.

"Wait a minute. Aren't you Charlsie Smith fro that tv show that just ended?" She asked.

"Oh umm yes ma'am." I blushed.

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