Chapter Fifty-Four

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I'm sorry. I know I have not written in awhile. I have so stressed out with college and everything lately I just haven't had much time to write. I hope everyone is still reading though!!


I ran to Naomi and Niall's room and started beating on the door. 

"Coming!" Someone groaned on the other side of the door but i kept knocking. "I said coming!" They groaned. 

The door opened to a tired Naomi with bedhead. 

"What the hell are you doing?" She asked. 

"Get ready! Hurry!" I beamed. 

"Why?" She groaned and then let out a yawn. 

"You know how we have always wanted to tour London?" I asked. 

"Yeah. What about it?" She asked. 

"The boys are going to give us our own private tour as soon as everyone gets ready!" I basically screamed in excitement. 

"What?" She asked and her eyes popped indicating that woke her up a bit more.

"Yep. So get ready and hurry!" I said. 

"Okay give us about thirty minutes! We will let you know when we are done." She said. 

"Okay!" I said and then went to my own room. "Kids you need to get up." I said softly and shook both child. 

"No." Darcy whined and rolled over. 

"Come on we get to hang out with Daddy all day!" I said. 

"Im up!" She jumped. 

"Me too!" Wiley suddenly said sitting up. 

"Good. Now i am going to pick you two out an outfit and you need toget dressed." I said but then the door opened and Harry came in. 

"Hey." He smiled at me and came over and kissed my cheek. 

"You just saw me a few minutes ago." I giggled. 

"I know but i also have not seen you in six months so i plan on kissing you every chance i get while you are here." He said. "And you two." He said and turned towards the twins. "I want my morning hug." 

The twins both busted out laughing and jumped on top of Harry, literally. I smiled and picked out the twins' outfits for today. 


After about an hour everyone was finally up and ready to go. 

I am so excited. I have always wanted to see London, and now not only am I getting to see it, I also get to see it with my fiancè and two beautiful children.

We went all over the U.K.

The U.K. is not as big as the U.S. so you can explore more of it in one day.

We took so many pictures that it is going to take forever for me to develop them all. 

It was night now and Harry wanted to ride the London Eye.

"No. Definitely not. I am fine looking at it on the ground." I whined.

"Come on." He begged. "It is my birth week."

"That is not a real thing." I said. "Besides there is no way in hell I am letting my children on that thing." I said.

"Actually we were talking about heading back to the hotel." Louis said. "The twins could come with me and just stay in my room until you get back."

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