Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Charslie where did those bruises come from?" He asked again.

"I umm...." I started but then my phone went off. Saved by the Bell, I thought to myself. I picked it up and answered it quickly. Harry sighed and rolled over on his back. "Hello?"


"What?" Charlsie suddenly gasped. "Okay we will be on the next flight see you in a couple of hours." She rushed through the phone before hanging up and immediatly jumping out of bed.

My eyes went straight to her body mentally checking her out. "Harry get out of bed we have to leave. Now." She said hitting my arm.

"What the bloody hell is going on?" I asked confused.

"Naomi went into labor. We have to get there now."

"What?" I suddenly gasp before jumping out of bed as well.

We frantically ran around the room throwing things into bags not even checking if any of it matched or not. Then we ran into the kids room after changing into clothes and grabbed a bag full of clothes for them. Then I grabbed Darcy and Charlsie grabbed Wiley and we ran outside to the car.

We hopped on a plane and took our seats. When we sat down it was Wiley, Charlsie, me, Darcy. Charlsie immediatly laid her head on my shoulder. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her in closer to me.

"Are you going to tell me where those bruises came from now?" I whispered.

"Not with the kids around." She replied snuggling her head more into my neck.

"They are asleep. They wont hear a thing." I replied.

"Please Harry I dont want to talk about this." She whined.

"Well we need to talk about this Charlsie."

"Not right now."

"Then when?" I asked getting annoyed.

"I dont know...."

"Why do you feel comfotable with telling Louis this information but not me? I am your fiance for goodness sakes."

"I dont want you to be disappointed in me okay?" She said pulling away from me. "You know what im going to the restroom." Then she stood up and walked away.

I sighed and leaned back in my seat. All I want is for Charlsie to be able to trust me. Is that really too much to ask for?

She returned but when she did she moved Wiley to the seat beside me and she sat on the outside.

"Charlsie...." I began to say.

"Night Harry." She cut me off. Then she laid her head back on the seat and closed her eyes.

-A Few Hours Later-


We finally got to the hospital after what felt like the longest plane ride I have ever been on. I kept waking up every five minutes. I had a horrible headache because of the fight I had with Harry earlier. I felt weak from not eating yesterday. The list just went on an on and on it felt like.

We found all the boys except for Niall of course in the waiting room. He was back in the room with Naomi.

"Aunt Louis!" Darcy yelled running over to the lad. They all turned at the sound of her voice, then a huge smile grew on all their faces.

"Hey kiddo." Louis smiled bending down and hugging her. Then she bounced aroubd from guy to guy saying her hellos. Wiley did the same.

"Hey Charlsie." Liam said as Harry and I approached.

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