Chapter Twenty Seven

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I woke up in the bed. I guess Harry had carried me into the bedroom sometime during the night.

Today is first day of shooting. I am extremely nervous. Jackson should be here any minute now to help me get ready.

"Good morning." I hear a deep Cheshire voice say from the doorway. I turned to look at him and a smile grew on my face.

"Morning." I replied.

"How did you sleep my love?" he asked.

"Okay. Hey did you carry me in here last night?" I asked.

"Yea. I didn't want your neck to hurt when you woke up this morning." He replied.

Then he walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed. He placed his hand on top of mine and started rubbing his thumb up and down.

"Are you nervous for today?" He asked not looking up from our hands.

"Very." I breathed.

"Don't be. You will do great."

"Harry....." I trailed off.

"Yea?" He asked looking up to meet my eyes. The look in his eyes made it impossible to tell him, so I took a different path then I had intended.

I just placed my hand on his cheek and then leaned in and kissed him. He leaned in to me laying me down on my back. His hand went to my waist.

I opened my mouth allowing him access which he gladly took. This wasn't a make out session though. This kiss was more passionate.

It was slow but still fast. Tender but still a little rough. It was the most amazing kiss I think we have ever shared.

Neither one of us trying to go any further. Just trying to hold on to each other. I absolutely loved it.

"Knock. Knock." We were suddenly interrupted by Jackson knocking on the bedroom door.

Harry pulled away from me and I bit my bottom lip. I couldn't help but smile though.

"Sorry to interrupt, but may I borrow Mrs. Charlsie for a few moments please?" Jackson asked.

"Of course." Harry said. "May we finish what we were doing first though?" He smirked. 

"Oh umm sure." Jackson said awkwardly. Then he walked back out of our room. I couldn't help but laugh at the situation. 

"What's so funny?" Harry smiled. 

"I think you freaked him out a little bit." i laughed. 

"He is just jealous is all." He replied. 

"Yea that i get you and he doesn't." I smirked. 

"Thats not funny." His face suddenly turned serious. 

"I love you." I smiled. i grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him down into me. I kissed him slightly on the lips, He smiled again and this time he kissed me instead. 

"I love you too.: He whispered softly. "Now go get ready for your big day." 

"Ugg but i dont want to leave you." I whined. 

""I love so much sweetheart but i am not going to be the reason you are late and get in anymore trouble than you already are." He said. 

"Fine. I will be right back." i groaned. Then I kissed him one more time before gettiong out of the bed. 

I walked into the dressing room and found Jackson looking through one of his makeup bags. "Well hello there." He smiled when he looked up at me. 

"Hey." I smiled shyly. "Sorry about Harry a few moments ago." 

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