Chapter Thirty-Four

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hey you guys im sorry I have not ups

dated in a while but im on pring break this week plus I just got back from New York yesterday morning so I havent had a lot of time lately. I will start writing again sooner rather than later though I promise. And remember comment/vote!!! :):):)


I woke up and reached over to feel Harry but there was nothing there. I shot up worried. I started looking all over the room and right before I got completly up the bedroom door opened, revieling Harry.

He had a tray of something in his hands and a huge smile on his face. "Morning beautiful."

"Morning. Whats all this for?" I asked.

"I thought I would bring you breakfast in bed. Its romantic plus that way I know you have eaten."

"Harry..." I whispered.

"Plus its bicuits and gravy your favorite." He smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled before taking the tray from him.

"Okay well im going to go check on the kids I will be right back." He said before kissing the top of my head and running out of the room.

I looked down at the food but the smell alone made me nauseus. I know if I dont eat though Harry will force it down my throat.

I took a small bit and cringed my nose at the taste. I mean im sure it taste brillant to anyone else, but just the thought makes me sick. I love Harrys cooking. I would never admit it to her but it is even better than my own mothers.

I just physically cant take it right now. I was half way down when I couldnt hold it in anymore. I jumped out of the bed and rushed to the bathroom hardly making it in time.

I was sitting with my face hovering the toilet when I heard the door open again.


"Charlsie?" Harry asked.

"In here." I said softly then he appeared around the corner. His face was soft and sad looking.

He didnt say anything he just came and sat down on the bathroom floor beside me His hand went to the center of my back and started drawing small circles as I got sick again.

I finally stopped after three more times and then leaned back against the wall. Harry eaned back with me and put his left arm around my shoulders.

I buried my face in his neck and thats when I realized I was crying. "Hey shhh." He soothed rubbing his hand up and down my arm smoothly.

"Im sorry." I whispered. "I tried."

"Was my cooking really that bad?" He joked and I managed a small laugh. I looked up to look at him and his eyes looked glossy. His emerald eyes glowing into my hazel ones.

"Im sorry." I repeated. I really didnt know what else to say.

"This will take time." He assured me. "Look on the bright side at least you are not pregnant or anything." He laughed.

"Huh yeah." I laughed awkwardly. Then I put my face back in the crook of his neck so he didnt have to look at my face anymore.

"I mean just think about how much worse this situation would be if you were pregnant? I mean you being sick is horrible it really is, but is easier to save you. If you were pregnant the baby would probabaly only have like a 20% or so of survival." I stayed silent. His words piercing me in the heart with every siblable that leves his mouth. "I mean things could be a lot worse Charlsie."

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