Chapter Thirty-Three

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"What is going on with you today?" Zayn asked as I continued to cry into his shirt.

"I...its a long s-story." I stuttered.

"Well do you want to talk about it?" He asked as he rubbed my back.

"No." I whispered.

"Okay well whatever it is im sure will be over before you know it." He replied trying to make me feel better.

"I dont think it is that easy this time Zayn." I said lifting my head.

"Sure it is. There is nothing out there that the amazing Charlsie Smith cant handle." He smiled brightly making me actually giggle a little.

"Thanks Zayn." I half smiled.

"No problem. I love you babe. im here whenever you need anything. I promise."

"I love you too. You guys are truly the best friends a girl could ever ask for."

"We cant help that we are just that good love." He joked.

I am so happy that Zayn and I can joke around with each other after everything we have been through. Most people would not be this close still. Plus Harry is perfectly fine with us being friends. They are even friends again.

"Who is with Mrs. Horan?" A doctor asked suddenly bringing Zayn and I to attention.

"We are." I replied.

"I will go get the boys." Zayn said before running outside. I grabbed the twins' hands and brought them with me as I followed the doctor.

He opened the door and I slowly stuck my head in. The first thing I saw was Niall's blonde hair.

"Charlsie?" He asked standing up. He walked over and hugged me. Then the twins literally attacked him. We both started laughing.

"How is she?" I asked.

"Charlsie?" I looked up to make eye contact with Naomi.

"Hey." I smiled. "You feeling okay?"

"Yea I guess. That hurt so bad though." She laughed which made me laugh as well.

The rest of the boys entered the room then and they all went over to talk to Naomi so I stayed back a bit.

Harry said his hellos but stayed in the back corner away from everyone. He looked a tad depressed plus angry at the same time.

I decided I at least need to try and speak with him, but before I could make my way over to him the nurse entered carring the new born baby.

The nurse carried the baby girl over to Naomi and gently handed her over to her. Then the nurse left and we all crowded around.

"What did you name her?" Zayn asked.

"Veronica Marie Horan." Naomi smiled looking down at her daughter.

"She is beautiful." I smiled.

"Just like her mother." Niall smiled before kissing Naomi on the forehead. Then he got down on his knees and kissed Veronica on the top of the head as well. "We are going to call her Ronnie for short." He said softly.


About an hour has gone by all the boys took the twins to get something to eat. I stayed with Naomi and Ronnie. They were suppose to bring back some food, but knowing the boys I dont know if they will or not.

"She really is beautiful." I smiled gently rubbing my hand over Ronnies soft head.

"She has Niall's nose." Naomi said never looking up from her daughter. "I love you so much Ronnie." She said and then kiss her nose.

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