Chapter Eleven

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I decided I would look through my bag and figure out what kind of outfits I actually brought with me. I was such in a hurry when I left the house I don't even know what all I packed.

Turns out I didn't bring hardly anything that went together. I am defiantly going to have to go shopping soon, because there is no way I am going back to that house.

I was just about to get back up when something shiny caught my eye in the bottom of my bag. I reached inside and found something I had thrown away a long time ago.

It was my necklace Harry had bought me for my graduation. The one with my name on it. I thought I had thrown it away with everything else he had given me during my depression. I guess I just lost it instead. I have no idea how it got in this bag though.

I'm glad I still have it though. Because now it is the only thing I have that he had given me, well besides the dog he got me today anyway.

I smiled down at the necklace and put it on. Then I got up and made my way down stairs to join the boys. I got down the stairs to see both boys in the kitchen cooking. I smiled and made my way over to them.

"Hey love." Harry smiled.

"Mommy loot. Me and daddy made pasta." Wiley said and I thought I was going to cry at his words. The look on Harry's face said he was about to cry as well.

"What did you call me?" Harry asked obviously wanting to hear it again.

"Daddy." Wiley repeated looking up at him. "You are my new daddy remember?" He giggled.

"I remember." Harry whispered.

We were all three sitting at the table now. Harry on the end. Then Wiley, then me. It was almost completely silent since we were all eating, until Harry spoke up.

"I like your necklace." He said looking up at me. I smiled and grabbed it between my fingers.

"I would hope so." I giggled.

"What do you mean?" He asked confused.

"Do you not remember?" I asked and he just raised an eyebrow. "You bought it for me."

"I did?" He asked.

"It was my graduation present." I reminded him. "I had thought I had lost it or thrown it away three years ago, but I just found it in my bag a moment ago."

"So that's the necklace I got you with your name on it?" He asked.

"Yea." I blushed dropping my head.

"Mommy!" Wiley said pulling on my shirt.

"Yes dear?" I asked.

"What did you name your new puppy?" He asked excitedly.

"Yea babe have you named it yet?" Harry asked.

"I don't know." I replied.

"Oh oh tan I name it? Pleeeeeaaaassseeee?" Wiley begged.

"You will have to ask your daddy he is the one who bought him." I said.

"Daddy may I name the puppy? Pretty pretty please?" He begged again. 

"I don't care son." Harry answered and a smile immediatly spread across his face when the words left his mouth. 

"Yay! I thint i will name him..... Tony!" He said proudly. 

"Why Tony?" Harry asked. 

"Betause that is Iron Man's real name. Duh dad." He said and i started laughing. 

"Well okay then." Harry smirked. "I cant believe i forgot that." 

"Shame daddy shame." Wiley said which made me laugh even more. 

"Well i guess we will just have to watch the movie sometime together." Harry said and Wiley's face lit up. 

"Tould you read me a tomic before bed too? Mommy use to read me a tomic every night before bed before we tame here." He said. 

"I would love to read to you buddy." Harry said. 

"Yay!" Wiley smiled. Then he turned to face me. "Mommy may i be extused please?" He asked. 

"I don't mind." I replied. 

"Thant you mommy. Love you." He replied before getting up. He started to walk away but i cleared my throat making him turn back around to face me. 

"Are you forgetting something?" I asked. He sighed and then came over to me and kissed me on the cheek. 

"Now may i go?" He asked. 

"Yes you may." I replied and with that he ran up the stairs. "He absolutely adores you." I smiled. 

"He is an amazing kid Charlie. You have done an amazing job raising him." He replied. 

"Sometimes i wish i was around more often though." I said pouting. "Being on set all the time i felt as if i was not around enough for him. He spent most of his time with his sitter Brenda." 

"You have a carreer Charlie. You needed to support him with a job. You were taking care of him by living your dream." 

"I guess but i still wish i could have been around more for him, and Darcy too for that matter." I replied. 

"You have plenty of time to make up for lost cause love." He said. 

"If Naomi will ever let me see my own daughter that is. Why won't she let her stay over here? I know she is not my biggest fan at the moment but Darcy still needs her father as well." I pouted. 

"Darcy stays over at thier place most of the time anyway babe. You did leave her at thier doorstep by the way." He said. "Besides Naomi is way better at tending to a child than i will ever be. Darcy needed a mother figure so Naomi stepped up to take charge."

"Doesn't she know you are her father though?" I asked. 

"Of course she does." He said. 

"Then why...." 

"Charlie I love Darcy with everything in my being. Just like i love you and Wiley, but i just couldn't take care of a child alone. Besides i was always on the road so all around it was just easier to let Naomi take over." 

"Does Darcy ever stay over here?" I asked. 

"Of course. She stays over here from time to time. other than that though i see her as often as i can but she stays at thier house." 

"Do you think she likes me?" I asked hopefully. 

"Are you kidding? She talks about you all the time." He answered and i just couldn't help but smile. "She thinks you are georgous, but who could blame her?" He winked and i blushed. "She asks about you all the time. Where you are? How old are you? Do you love daddy back the way he loves her?" 

"Are you serious? She talks about me?" I asked surprised. 

"All the time." He repeated. 

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" Wiley said bounding down the stairs. 

"Yes?" I asked. 

"Tan we go over and see Darty so i tan play?" He asked. 

"Harry?" I asked looking back up at him. 

"Of course we can son. Let mommy and i get ready first and we will be on our way." He replied. 

"Otay. Come on Tony." He said and the dog followed him back up the stairs. 

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