Chapter Fifteen

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I woke up with my arm wrapped around Wiley. Then Harry's arm was over mine. We looked like a little family. I didn't want to get up and ruin the moment.

I sat up slightly to see both boys softly snoring. They both looked so peaceful asleep. Sleep made Harry look so young. He didn't have any wrinkles on his forehead like he does when he gets angry. He didn't have any dimples like he does when he smiles. He just looks.... Calm.

My phone started going off then, and rather loud may I add? I fumbled and reached over to the dresser to shut it up.

"Hello." I answered. I watched as Harry groaned and shifted a little in his sleep. I didn't wake either of them up though.

"Miss Smith?" Jules said on the other end. I knew I was about to get an ear full.

"Yes ma'am." I answered with caution.

"Where the hell are you?!" She yelled through the phone. I carefully got out of bed and made my way into the bathroom. I left the door cracked open though. "You were suppose to be here an hour ago?! How do expect me to be your manager if you don't show up to the auditions I get you?!"

"I'm sorry Jules. I am not in California at the moment though." I replied.

"You are what?! Then where are you?!"

"I'm back at home. I know I should have told you but...."

"Do you have any idea how hard it is to get you a decent audition? Then you go and blow it by standing me up?!" She yelled interrupting me.

"I know and I'm sorry, but I...."

"I know you got hurt the other day, but that gives you no reason to bail on me!" She said interrupting me.

"I know but I...."

"No excuses young lady." She said interrupting me yet again. "I am sending you a plane ticket. Nick and Gerard will be there in two days to pick you up."

"Jules you don't understand. I can't...."

"I don't care what you have to say. I need you back here immediately. I can see what I can do for your audition but who knows if they will let me reschedule....again."

"Yes but Jules I......"

"I am very upset with you young lady. You are just lucky I don't put you on a plane and bring you back right this instant. I will see you in two days."

"Please Jules just listen to me....."

"Two days miss Smith." She warned then the line went dead.

"Damn it!!" I yelled and threw my hair brush across the bathroom.

"What happened?" Harry asked barging through the door.

"Nothing. I'm fine." I said leaning against the sink.

"Char baby talk to me." He said softly. Then he walked over and started gently rubbing my back.

"I have to go back Harry." I whispered.

"Back where?" He asked confused.

"Back to California. I mean I knew I had to go back sometime, but I didn't know this soon."

"How soon?"

"Two days." I answered looking up at him. "I'm scared Harry. What if Typer is there waiting for me?"

"He won't be." He promised. "Besides if you have to leave then so do I."

"W-what?" I asked with a single tear falling down my face. He wiped it away with his thumb.

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