Chapter Thirty-Nine

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I woke up on the floor and a lot of people staring down at me. I rub my eyes with my hands and then looked up again.

I tried to sit up and immediatly got a piercing headache, so I ended up laying back down. I groaned really loud and then closed my eyes, covering my entire face with my large hands.

"What the hell happened?" I groaned to an anonymous person.

"You passed out." A familiar voice said right over me. I slowly opened my eyes to Louis staring down at me. 

"How long have I been out?" I asked.

"About a hour or so." He replied. "You hit your head pretty hard when you fell."

"Is Charlsie awake?" I asked sitting up quickly, and soon regreting it laying back down.

"No." Louis replied softly. "But you need to be there when she does, so come on we are leaving."

"Im afraid we may have a problem there." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"I cant stand." I almost whispered.

"Oh come on you pathetic slump." He said before pulling me to my feet.



"Lets not tell Charlsie about this okay?" I asked but it was more of a statement.

"Thats between you and her lad, but im warning you now, if she asks i will not lie to her." He replied then he basically carried me out of the bar.

When we got to the hospital Louis still had to help me walk. "Im sorry." I whispered.

"You had no right to do that to yourself Harry, or Charlsie for that matter." He replied.

"I know." I whispered droppinv my head.

"You have been sober for a good three or so years and then you just go throw it all aqay in one day?"

"It isnt just some day Lou. I lost a chil plus my fiance." I said and tears started forming in my eyes.

"You havent lost Charlsie yet." He tried reassuring me.

"Yet. Thats the key word here isnt it? yet." I replied.

"You know what I mean man. She will be fine you have to be strong for when she wakes up though."

"If she wakes up...."

"Dont do that to yourself man. She is going to wake up. She just has to." He said, but even now he didnt sound so convinced.

"I cant loose her Louis." I cried and the tears started falling again.

"I know lad. I know." He replied then he stopped and hugged me. I cried on his shoulder.

I am sure this looked really gay to the people around us. Two guys hugging while one is crying their eyes out and the other is comforting him, but to be honest at the moment I could care less. The only on my mind was Charlsie.

"There you are!" I heard a familiar voice say and I looked up.

Naomi walked straight up to me. She didnt say a word or even blink. As soon as she got up to me though she raised her hand in the air, and back handed me in the face.

The entire hospital got completly silent; while my hands went immediatly to my now stinging face.

"What the hell were you thinking?" she asked.

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