Chapter Thirty-One

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When we got home I walked in and went into the twins' room. I hugged them both happy to see my children.

"Is everything okay?" Brenda asked.

"Yea thank you so much." I gave her a hundred dollar bill since she came such short notice.

"No problem. You know I love your kids. im just glad everything is okay."

"Yeah its fine." I replied with a soft smile. She left and then I walked into the kitchen to see Harry.

"Im making supper." He smiled at me.

"Oh umm actually im not that hungry." I shyly smiled.

"Well then I will just put some of it away for you for later then." He replied.

"Oh okay." I said.

"Are you sure you are okay though? You have not eaten all day have you?" He asked.

"I umm ate at set today." I lied.

"Oh okay. Well I will still save you some for later."

"Thanks. I think I am just going to go to bed though I feel sick after everything today."

"Okay I will be in there in a while."

"Okay." I replied before slowly making my way to the bedroom.

"Charlsie?" He asked suddenly bringing my attention back to him.

"Yeah?" I asked. He looked into my eyes with hope flowing all through them.

"Nevermind." He shook his head. "I will be in there later."

"Okay?" I asked confused before making my way to the bedroom again.

I stripped down and put on this dark purple silk night gown. I have never actually worn it. I dont know why either it is extremly comfortable.

I laid my head down on the pillow and then my phone rang.

"Hello." I groaned.

"Nice to speak to you too." Louis laughed into the phone.

"Oh sorry Louis."

"So is Harry out of jail?" He asked.

"Yea they let him out when I got off the phone with you guys earlier."

"I cant wait to see what the front page of news says tomorrow." He groaned.

"I know. Im so sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for love. You did the right thing here I promise."

"Okay." I whispered.

"So anyway Harry called me this morning and started asking me questions about you." He said taking me a back.

"What kind of questions?" I asked nervously.

"He apparently saw your bruises last night."

"What? I thought he didnt see any of them because he never said anything about them."

"Oh no he saw them alright. He is worried about you Charlsie. He knows something is going on he just cant figure out what that something is."

"Well did you tell him?" I asked scared he told Harry everything.

"No of course not. I would never do that to you." He replied and I took in a deep breath. "I did tell him to ask you though. That this subject was a matter of you two talking it out together. No inbetweeens."

"I dont want him to hate me though."

"I told him that as well. His reply was that he wants you to be able to tell him anything. No matter the subject."

"I know but he is going to be upset."

"He will be more upset if you dont tell him. Look you told me and I dont hate you."

"Yes but you were disappointed in me which is even worse. I dont think I can handle it if Harry is disappointed in me." I whined.

"It will be fine just take it one step at a time and I promise everything will turn up in the end."

"Okay im trusting you on this one." I replied.

"Goodnight Charlie."

"Night Louis love you."

"Love you too babe." He replied before hanging up.

I love talking to Louis. He helps me with anything I ever need. I mean I talk to Naomi as well but sometimes you just need a guys point of view as well you know?

I placed my phone on the nightstand again and then the door opened. Harry walked in and stripped down all the way since he hardly ever sleeps with clothes on.

He took a deep breath and threw his arm around my waist from behind. My back was turned to him laying on my left side.

"You okay?" I asked turning to face him.

"Yeah." He replied softly. He looked into my eyes and then brushed a piece of loose hair out of my face. "You?" He asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Charlsie?" He asked.

"Yeah?" I repeated for the second time.

"Where are your bruises from?" He asked and my heart fell to my stomach. 

What do I say?Do I tell him the truth or do I come up with an excuse? I sighed and then opened my mouth to speak.....


Sorry you guys I know this was a short and crappy chapter but I just needed a filler I promise it will be much better than this!

Oh and please make sure you leave comments and vote!!

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