Chapter Fourty

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"We lost our baby." He reapeated softly.

"How.... I mean I just.... no... we cant...." My breathing quickened and I think I started hyper-vintalating.

"Charlie, baby, calm down." Harry tried soothing me.

I tried to talk but I had no air in me. I was breathing so fast I couldnt catch my breath. I felt as if my lungs were closing up.

"Doctor! Nurse! Someone! Help!!" Harry yelled.

All at once this crowd of people filled the room. I couldn't stop what was happening. I didnt know exactly what was happening to be honest. All I know is the next thing I knew I felt some needle being stuck in my arm and then I felt really dizzy. Before I knew it my eyes were closing and I slowly fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up from this horrible dream where I was in a hospital room, and harry was with me, and he told me we lost our baby, and then doctors ran in to calm me down.....

Thats when I started looking around. It wasnt a dream. All of it. It was real. That means my baby is....

"Charlie your awake." Harry said rushing over to me but I couldnt move. it was like I was paralyzed in my spot. "Charlsie baby are you okay?"

The word baby was like a trigger word or something because thats when I broke out of my trance, but this time I didnt hyper-vinalate. Instead I let out a high pitch scream.

Harry covered his ears with both his hands and fell on the ground. It probably sounded like someone was murdering me from outside the room.

The doctors ran in again and sure enough I felt another needle and suddenly everything was black.


I woke up and felt really calm like for some reason. I looked around and sure enough I was still in this hospitial.

"H-Harry?" I asked softly when I didnt see him. "Harry." I repeated.

"Im here love." He replied.

I turned to see him on the couch. He was sitting up wiping his eyes. It looked as if he had just awoken.

"Why am I calm?" I asked.

"They had to drug you." He half smiled. "You sort of lost it. Twice." He added.

"Sorry." I replied. I srunched up my nose and brought my bottom lip between my teeth.

"You look so innocent and young when you make that face." He smiled at me.

"How can you be smilling right now?" I asked.

"You are awake." He answered.

"But our baby?" I said and tears started forming in my eyes. Tears silently fell down my face but I didnt break down like I felt like doing. Insead I stayed calm and allowed the tears to just roll down my face. Whatever they are using to drug me must be stronger than I thought. "Its my fault." I whispered.

"No sweetheart." Harry replied then he came over to sit with me. "It isnt anyones fault. These things just happen sometimes."

"But I starved myself. I knew I was pregnant and I still starved myself." I whispered.

"You tried to stop though." He tried comforting me.

"But I wasnt strong enough. I dont even remember how I got in this bloddy hospital in the first place." I said.

"Did you just say bloody?" He asked with a slight smirk on his face. "You have been around me to long love."

"Sorry." I whispered dropping my head.

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