Chapter Eight

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We are back in California now. Wiley and I that is. Wiley is exhausted from the flight. I'm just sitting here in my living room at the moment reading a book waiting for Tyler to come home.

Wiley is asleep in bed. I have tried to call and text Tyler many times but he has not answered me with any of them.

I am getting worried and nervous for that matter. I have no idea how I'm going to tell him.

I couldn't just sit here anymore and make myself sick over it though. I needed to get this over with. I decided to call Brenda to stay wit Wiley while I go find Tyler.

I put on white jean shorts, black tank top, and gray shirt that had a pink bow on the back that fell lightly off my right shoulder. I wasn't incredibly dressed up but I didn't want to look like scum walking into a bar either.

Brenda showed up soon after I was done getting ready. "Thank you so much for coming." I greeted her. "Wiley is still sleeping. He will probably stay asleep all night but just in case he doesn't...." I started to ramble but she stopped me.

"Charlsie calm down." She laughed placing her hands on my shoulders. "Now go on. We will be right here when you get back."

"Thank you Brenda. Thank you so much." I replied. Then I hurried out of the apartment. I got a taxi and straight to his main club. I thought I would start there since that is were he usually is.

I went straight to his main bar tender. "Steven! Have you seen Tyler?" I asked.

"Oh hey Charlsie." He smiled. "Yea I have seen him umm I think he is back in his private office in the back there." He replied.

"Thanks." I replied with a smile on my face. I made my way to the office. I got all the way to the door and was about to open it until I heard something I wasn't expecting.

"Oh Tyler!" I heard a girl say in a high pitch voice. Soon after that came loud moans from both male and female rain through the room.

I couldn't listen to it anymore. I decided to knock on the door first to let them know I was here. "Occupied at the moment!" Tyler spoke and the girl laughed. Then the moaning began again.

I couldn't take it anymore I reached in my pocket and took out the key Tyler had given to me once long ago when we first moved here.

Then without a second thought I barged through the door. That's when I saw it. Tyler full blown naked with some half naked red head sitting on his desk with her legs wrapped around him. The only clothing she had on was her pink lace bra.

"I thought I said this was occupied." He groaned not turning around to face me yet.

"Why?" I cried with tears forming in my eyes.

When he heard my voice he turned to face me exposing his front side. "Charlsie." He said.

"So this is why you haven't had time for me in seven months?" I said pointing at the dumb whore still sitting on his desk.

"Charlsie I can explain...." He began.

"You don't have to. I thought we were past this Tyler. I mean we have been together for three years. We are engaged for goodness sake. Well at least we were engaged." I said pulling my ring off my finger." The worst part is I should have known better." I walked over and placed the ring in his hand, closing his fingers around it. "Goodbye Tyler." I whispered. Then I turned to walk back out of the room.

"That's right keep walking little one." The red head said. "He never wanted you anyway." Then she started laughing.

"You know what?" I asked turning around. "You mean nothing to me." I said walking towards her. I got right up in her face. "You are just no good scum. No wonder he fell for you instead. You are more his type anyway." I smirked. I turned to walk away again but then she spit right in my face.

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