Chapter Twenty-Five

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We decide to go to the park so the kids could play on the playground there. As soon as we got there the twins ran straight for the swings. They were so excited. Harry grabbed my hand then intertwining our fingers and lead me over to a near by bench.

We sat and he pulled my hand over to his lap and scooted real close to me. "I love you sweetheart." He whispered in my ear. I leaned away and raised one eyebrow confused. What is wrong with him. He just looked at me though so I decided to smile and say it back.

"I love you too." Then my phone started ringing. I kept Harry's hand and grabbed my phone with my free hand. "Hello."

"Ello beautiful." They beamed over the line.

"Louis?" I asked with a smile even though I knew he couldn't see me.

"Of course love. How are you?" He asked.

"I'm good." I replied. I looked at Harry to silently ask permission to leave and he nodded knowing what I meant. I got up and walked over to a near by tree, but far enough Harry couldn't hear me.

"Are you sure about that love?" He asked.

"Did Harry tell you differently or something?" I asked.

"No. You just sound, I don't know, depressed." He replied.

"Please don't tell Harry." I begged.

"Tell Harry what love?" He asked.

"I know it's stupid but I couldn't help it. I thought I needed to and now I can't even help it. It just happens. I can't keep anything down." I rambled slurring all my words together.

"Sweetie slow down babe. Calm down and explain it to me." he said softly. I took a deep breath and nodded my head to myself.

"Okay. Jules said I was too fat, so she has been making me work out everyday." I said.

"Yes Harry told me you had to go to the gym." He replied.

"Okay well then on top of that I have been making myself sick.... on purpose. Every-time I eat I throw it all back up." I said softly ashamed of myself.

"Charlsie." He said disappointed.

"I know. But now to top it all off I think im..... im...... im......." I couldn't finish the sentence.

"Your what?" He asked.

"I think I'm pregnant again Louis." I whispered.

"Charlsie." he repeated. "Then you need to slow down. You need to stop making yourself sick and going to the gym everyday. That isn't healthy for you or the baby either one." He said.

"I know but I'm not positive yet." I said.

"Well when you find out let me know." He said.

"I will. Please don't tell Harry yet Lou. I will tell him but just not yet okay?"

"Okay." He answered.

"Thank you." I breathed.

"No problem."

"Well I'm gonna get back to Harry. Bye Lou love ya"

"Love you too sis. Please be careful for me." then he hung up. I was on my way back to Harry when I heard my name being yelled. I turned around to see Luke.

"Hey Charlsie." He said when he got up to me.

"Hey Luke." I smiled.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Oh umm I'm here with my fiancé and the twins." I said pointing towards Harry.

"Oh okay." He replied.

"Here I want you to meet him." I said. Then I grabbed Luke's hand and pulled him towards Harry. Harry saw us coming and stood up. "Hey babe this is Luke. He is my buddy from the gym." I smiled.

"Nice to meet you." Harry said shaking Luke's hand.

"You too. This girl is in complete love with you let me tell you. You should see the way her face lights up when she talks about you." Luke said.

"Oh she talks about me does she?" Harry smirked and I started blushing.

"She won't shut up." Luke smiled at me.

"Really now? Well I hope it is all good things at least." Harry replied. Then he wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me into him.

"Of course they are kind words. What else would I say?" I winked and we all started laughing.

"Mommy! mommy!" I hear two small voices scream and run over to me. I looked around to see the twins coming my way.

"What kids?" I asked bending down to their level.

"We are hungry." Wiley whined.

"Yea I want food." Darcy agreed.

"Okay sweethearts we will leave soon and go get some lunch okay?" I asked. Then I turned back to look at Luke. "Luke this is my daughter Darcy and my son Wiley."

"They look just like you." He smiled. "You have some beautiful children."

"Thank you." Harry and I said at the same time.

"Well I guess I will let y'all go since the little ones are hungry. I will catch up with you later Chalsie." Luke said before leaving. We waved and then grabbed the kids and headed towards the car.

"Wasn't he so nice?" I asked Harry.

"A little too nice." He said softly.

"What are you talking about? I thought you liked him?" I asked confused.

"I don't like anyone who thinks it's okay to flirt with my girlfriend." He replied.

"Flirt?" I said before busting out in laughter. "Luke doesn't flirt with me."

"Are you really that blind babe? He likes you." He said clenching his jaw.

"No he doesn't Harry. I am engaged to you. He knows that." I said.

"So? If it was the other way around that wouldn't stop me. Actually it didn't stop me remember?" He smirked.

"Harry I promise you don't have to worry about anything."

"It isn't you I am worried about Charlsie." He replied.

"I can't believe you are acting like this right now." I whined. "You are acting like a child."

"So because I am jealous I am a child?" He asked getting annoyed.

"Yes because there is no reason for you to be jealous. I love you. No one else." I said.

"I know that but does he?" He asked.

"Does it matter?"

"Yes Charlsie it does. It does to me." He replied.

"He knows I am complete and total love with you Harry. And he knows no one is going to ever change that. He is not a threat. He is just trying to be a friend to me." I commented.

"Yea until he can get in your pants." He huffed.

"Wow. I can not believe you just said that."

"What?" He asked confused.

"Why would you ever think that was okay to say? Especially in front of our children?" I asked.

"It's true." He responded.

"No it's not. Come on kids. Daddy is acting stupid right now." I grabbed the kids's hands and we made our way across the street to the Mexican restaurant.

"I am not stupid." Harry argued.

"I didn't say that. I said you were acting stupid." I confirmed.

"That is the same thing Char."

"No it isn't. Now if you don't mind I would like to have a nice peaceful day with my children." Then I ignored him and walked inside the restaurant leaving him outside and alone.

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