Chapter Three

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-Authors Note-

Okay so I may make up some Grammy awards just for the fun of it so some may not be real okay? In case anyone was wondering. Anyway I hope u are enjoying the story. Remember Vote and Comment! :)


I was back in my seat now with Wiley sitting in my lap. I can't believe I just saw Harry again. I have made myself erase every memory or anything that contains to that boy over the past three years, but seeing him tonight brought them all rushing back at once.

Then there was Darcy. She looked absolutely beautiful in that blue dress and her hair done all nice. I can't believe I left her behind.

I wondering all the rest of them are here as well. The rest of the boys. Naomi.

The most important thing though is am I strong enough to apologize to them? Will they forgive me? Will I ever forgive myself?

The next thing I knew I heard my name being called over the speakers. "Wait What?" I asked confused.

"Get up there." Jules pushed me.

The next name I heard was Mr. Harry Styles himself. What in the world could we have won together?

I got on stage and Harry was right behind me. "Hey babe." He winked at me.

"Umm what did we win?" I asked awkwardly.

"Best smile of course." He laughed. Then he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into him.

"There is that smile we love so much!" The announcer proclaimed. "Now how about we get a kiss from you?" He asked. I blushed before I could register Harry's lips were on my cheek. I softly smiled at the touch. "And there is your wonderful smile as well." The announcer said. He handed us both the trophy and Harry handed it off to me.

"Here. Keep it." He smiled. "Your first real award. We even got to share it together."

I dropped my head and made my way off the stage then. He followed and when I was making my way back down the aisle I felt a hand wrap around my wrist.

I turned my head to see Harry behind me. "Let go of me." I whined but he ignored me and drug me out in the hallway. Then he pulled me in this dark corner behind a wall where no one could see us. "What is your problem?" I asked.

"You look amazing." He said scanning my body for the millionth time.

"Thanks now let me go so I can get back to Wiley. He needs me right now."

"Darcy needed you too Charlsie. She still needs you." He said finally letting go of my arm.

"I know." I replied dropping my head in shame. "And I have regretted leaving her behind since that very day."

"Then why did you do it?"

"Tyler talked me into it. Plus she just reminded me so much of you I just...." I started to get worked up talking about it.

"Hey now don't cry." He said wrapping his arms tightly around me. "No since in messing up the beautiful face of yours."

"I'm so so sorry Harry." I sniffled. "I messed up really bad."

"How about I make everything better than?" He asked gently pushing me off of him to look him in the eye.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. He wiped a tear from my face before speaking again.

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