Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"What are you doing here Charlie?" Tyler asked confused.

"I... I ummm.... I wanted to talk to you." I stuttered. I slowly walked towards his bed. "Did you... did you ever recieved wedding invitations from Niall and Naomi?" I asked.


"Because she said she sent them but....wait a minute what did you say?"

"Yes we got them. I threw them all away immediatly though." He replied like it was no big deal.

"Why....why would you do that?"

"You didnt want to see them ever again anyway. I was doing you a favor."

"Naomi is my best friend Tyler. You knew that." I said a little more confident then before.

"Your point?" He half laughed.

"I missed her wedding because of you Tyler!" I said a bit louder. "Being with you was one of the worst decisions I have ever made, I swear!"

"Oh get over it babe. You will live."

"You are such a selfish, no grateful, dirty rotten, scum!"

"Aww baby you could do better than that." He started laughing even louder.

My blood started boiling and I felt really light headed. I dont know what came over me next, but the next thing I knew my fist smalled into Tyler's nose.

He let out a scream and I laughed. I probably looked and sounded insane. Then I leaned over close to his face to whisper to him.

"Is that good enough for you, babe?" I asked putting enphasis on the word babe. Then I smiled and walked out of the room leaving him screaming behind me.

I was furious that he did that. I mean I knew he was evil, but I didnt think he would be that rude. I just wanted to be at home in bed with Harry at the moment.

As soon as I walked through the front door Harry ran over to me.

"Did you wait on me?" I asked, flattered.

"Of course. I couldnt sleep knowing you were out there alone." He replied.

"Harry im fine. Tyler is still in the hospital so im safe right now."

"How do you know he is still in the hospital?" He suddenly asked.

"I ummm..... The police said the would keep me informed on how he recovers and everything for my safety." I lied hoping he would believe me. He raised an eyebrowbut didnt say anything.

"Okay I guess I believe you. How did your meeting go?"

"Meeting?" I asked confused.

"Didnt you go to a meeting with Jules?" He asked.

"Oh right sorry. Yea it was fine." 

"What did you two talk about?"

"Just the movie and stuff." I lied again.

"Well did you have fun at least?" He asked.

"When do I ever have fun around Jules?" I laughed and he joined in.

"Okay fair enough." He replied.


-next morning-

I woke up early to go on set. Brenda stayed with the kids while Harry went with me. He refuses to let me out of his sight now. Which I am not complaining about though.

"Ahh there you are!" Jules yelled from across the room. Then she made her way over to me. "You look so slim. How did you ever do that so fast? I need to know your secret."

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