First Day Of School

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Deep breaths.

First day at a new school. No problem, I can do this. No one will notice me and I can just hang in the background like I did at my old school. Invisible, left alone, just getting through the day.

My mom has always told me I need to be more outgoing. She calls me an introvert, but I can't help it. It doesn't come naturally to me to chat with people and make friends. What do you say once you get past 'Hi, my name is Sang. Nice to meet you'? I go blank after that. I'm not interesting, and I don't want to pry into other people's lives, so then what? Best to just not try in the first place and make a fool of myself.

I do one last look over in the mirror before I head down stairs. I decided on skinny jeans, brown lace up boots, a navy long sleeve top, and my light weight gray jacket. I also throw on a red scarf that hangs loose. I leave my long dark blond hair down. I like to use it as a curtain for my face, hiding.

Make-up isn't something I really ever wear, but I do add a couple swipes of mascara, enhancing my bright green eyes. I got them from my dad and, I admit, they are pretty. I'm not vain about them, but they are the one thing of beauty I do have.

My mom always tells me I'm beautiful, even exotic looking, and so did my grandparents when we arrived. I don't let it go to my head though. They're my family, of course they'll say that.

I grab my messenger bag and go to the kitchen. They're all there, around the table, having coffee and eggs. "Want some breakfast dear?" my grandmother asks.

"No thank you. I'm too nervous to eat." It's true, my belly is doing flops.

She gives me a disapproving look but doesn't press the issue.

"You look nice," my mom smiles.


My grandfather stands up. "If you're ready, let's go."

I look at my mom, "I thought you were giving me a ride."

"Your grandfather wanted to bring you," she smiles.

I nod and quietly follow him to the door. I hear "Have fun!" and "It'll be great!" as I walk out.


I hop up in his old truck and he turns it on, roaring to life. It smells like peppermint and leather. Nice. "I'll see what I can do about getting you your own vehicle," he says, in his deep voice.

I look at him in shock. "Really?"

"I don't mind giving you a ride, but you probably would like the freedom."

Wow. "Thank you."

He nods his head.

From the corner of my eye, I notice a rifle hanging in the back of the truck. It's not surprising though, he's a veteran and used to go hunting all the time my mom told me. But his arthritis keeps him from doing it anymore.

That reminds me of something, "I heard howling last night."

He smiles. "Yep. There are wolves around this area. They won't bother you any. You'll hear them but never see them. Bears are what you'll see on occasion, but it's been a while."

"Is that why you have the gun in your truck?"

"Partly. I'd never shoot unless a life was in danger, though. My hunting days are over now." He glances at me, "Would you like to learn?"


"To shoot."

I shrug, never having given it much thought. "I guess."


We spend the rest of the ride in silence and I'm grateful for it. My grandfather seems to understand I just need to be alone with my thoughts.

When we pull up to the school, I'm surprised at how much smaller it is than my old one. Not horribly so, but still. Great. Probably not as easy to just hide in the background here.

"Do you want me to go to the office with you?"

I look at my grandfather and shake my head, "No thanks. I'll be fine."

He nods, and I get out the truck. Before I close the door, he tells me he'll pick me up after school.

I give a small wave and head to the front doors.

I have to admit, the views around here are breathtaking. Meadows and forests back dropped with white capped mountains. My mom said there's a lake to go boating and fishing on nearby.

I don't mind the thought of exploring the area. I'll definitely need to buy winter clothes soon though. It's already so cold. At least to me.

The school is a long two story brick building. Surrounded by green lawn and large trees here and there, all decked out in their autumn glory.

I wish I didn't have to change schools the second week of October. Belated happy birthday to me.....

Kids are scattered around the school, some sitting on the wide concrete steps to the doors. I pass them, not making eye contact, although I can sense them looking at me curiously.

The office is right in front and I walk in. A woman behind a wood counter, that's covered with stacks of papers, greets me. "What can I do for you?" she smiles.

"I'm Sang Sorenson. I'm starting here today," I softly reply.

"Ah yes. Mr. and Mrs. Holden's granddaughter." She knows my grandparents?

"I have your schedule right here for you. Make sure your teacher signs it next to each class, then return this copy at the end of the day." She hands me the paper and I look it over. "And this is a map of the school. It won't be hard to figure out, but your classrooms are marked. And here is your locker number."

I take the information and thank her.

"Welcome, Sang!" she beams.

"Thank you," I smile back.

At least it seems like a friendly place.

I go into the hallway and examine my schedule and map. The building is actually U shaped, bigger than I thought. English is first. The bells rings, indicating time to get to class. Students flood into the school, the halls echoing with their chatter. I stand against the wall, my head down and hair hiding my face.

Once they pass, I follow behind. My English class is to the left on the first floor. I enter the indicated room. Students are talking and milling about, the teacher is behind his desk. I walk up to him and hand him my schedule. He takes it and signs his name. Mr. Bishop.

"Welcome Sang. There's an empty seat next to the windows, second from the back." He indicates the direction.

I go over, weaving my way around desks and students. They pause in their conversations as I do and then start to whisper. I try to ignore it, although I know it's about me.

Once I'm in my seat, I look out the window to my left at the mountains, and pull my hair over my right shoulder, shielding me. I pray no one comes up to me.

The air shifts as someone walks past me, than another. I hear heavy books drop on desks and chairs scrape back. They must be sitting directly behind me and to my right. I feel two pairs of eyes staring at the back of my head.

That's the thing about me, I have always had heightened senses. I can feel the air slightly shift around me, know when I'm being watched, remember and recognize scents. I'm constantly aware of my surroundings. My mom says it's uncanny. She's tried to sneak up on me many times and has never succeeded. She did it with my dad also and always failed.

He was the same way.

"Okay class," Mr. Bishop taps his desk with his knuckles, silencing everyone and getting their attention. Today we will continue the group assignment you started, he looks at me and his brows furrow. "I'm sorry, what is your name again?"

All heads swivel in my direction. I tuck my hair behind my ear, trying to be brave, "Sang Sorenson."

I hear a few snickers from a couple girls in the class. The boys just stare and I turn red.

"Ah, yes, Sang. Let's see......why don't you join Victor and Silas behind you since they're the only group of two."

The girls that had been snickering are now glaring at me. Apparently they've laid claim on the two guys behind me.

"Get to work now, everyone," Mr. Bishop directs.

There's shifting of chairs as students gather into small groups around the room. I slowly turn, facing my new partners. When I look up at them, it feels like the air is charged with electricity and all I can do is stare.

My heart rate picks up and I keep looking from one to the other. One is huge and muscular with dark hair and brown eyes. His pupils dilate as he stares back at me until they're almost black and his nostrils flare. A primal look comes over his face. What on earth? The other is doing the same. His eyes almost look like they're smoldering, fiery. He's just as handsome with his brown hair and strong features but slim build.

They don't say anything, making it very awkward. And why are they acting so strange? A low rumble comes from the big guy and the other breaks eye contact with me to give him a warning look. They look at each other, seeming to have a silent conversation, then both slowly relax, their pupils and nostrils returning to normal.

In The Shadows - Fan Fiction Version by KatydidsWhere stories live. Discover now